Releases: Ixox/preenfm2
2.21b : fix Env Attk midi CC
2.21a : filter out bad Sysex
Fix problems when receiving Sysex not for the pfm2
- Sysex that does not sart with "0x7D 0x05" will not stop pfm2 current sounds
- Option to disable Sysex reading completely : MENU>Tools>Set>Sysex
2.21 : Unison
New playmode : unison
Unison stereo spread : CC 13
Unison voice detune : CC 14
PCB R6 (24 bits dac) code part of the official firmware
Fixed compared to 2.20 beta 2
Sound saturation problem
screensaver turned off the screen immediatly when enabled -
Only one improvement compared to 2.12
Selecting preset from midi preselect the bank and programm when want to save them from the menu after.
2.20 beta 2
Loading a patch with midi program change now stores the patch and bank so that you find them immediatly when saving it through the menu.
2.20 beta 1
The status of this firmware is the same as 2.12.
But this version adds the support of the 24 bits dac of the new R6 SMD PCB.
If you have the R6 PCB, previous version of the firmware won't produce any sound.
2.12 New features
Double the power of the Matrix
Each row now has 2 destinations.
So you can modulate 24 destinations instead of 12. -
Midi CC7 & CC10 (volume and pan) implementation
Enveloppe loop (by Toltekradiation / Patrice Vigouroux)
Modulator operator have now loopable enveloppe.
Set Release time to 0 and release level to 1.0. -
Glide (by Toltekradiation / Patrice Vigouroux)
2 more glide values (11 and 12) for slower glide -
Step sequencer new usage (by Toltekradiation / Patrice Vigouroux)
1 new destination for each step sequencer : the starting point
Interesting to use with Note1/Note2 sources.
Step SEQ1 : 0 / 0.5 / Your pattern 1 here (_85F_85F _85F_85F)
Redirect the Step seq to your destination of choice :
Matrix row : Seq1 / 3.00 / Mix3
Now let's use midi note to select the Step.
Matrix row : Not1 / 1.00 / sq1S (or sq2S)
Set Note1 to : Flat / 0 / +ln8
Not really straightforwared but that's it. Each note will trigger a different step and will result in a different sound.
Matrix new source (by Toltekradiation / Patrice Vigouroux)
Use rndK to trigger a new random number [-1:1] each time a note is started (key pressed). -
New default firmware is the 192Mhz overclocked version
Only one version, no need to flash the "o" version.
2.12 bug fixes
Mix4 & Pan4 destinations now work in the matrix
Midi DX7 patch selection does not crash anymore when patch number > 31
Message with animation when USB Key cannot be read (instead of just freezing)
Filters rework / Merge last modifications from the filter code (by Toltekradiation / Patrice Vigouroux)
2.11a Eurorack only
2.11a firmware for Eurorack pfm2 attached bellow (p2_cv_2.11a.bin).
3 new "CV to instrument" modes are avaible :
seq : instrument 1, 2, 3, 4 but one after each other.
rand : instrument 1,2, 3, 4 randomly
cv3 : cv3 input value select instrument depending on its value. -
Internal change
The Eurorack version is now part of the master branch. Should make easier the maintenance.
And all the versions (Regular and Eurorack) are in the attached zip.
p2_2.11 : regular preenfm2
p2_cv_2.11 : eurorack preenfm (cv = control voltage)
(each one as a "o" alternative : overclocked) -
Global tuning
Menu>Set>Tools>Tuning (after midi settings)
Adjustable between 430.0 and 450.0Hz with a step of 0.2Hz -
more midi MPE support
Midi MPE needs CC 74 to be available so i moved CC "OP1 Env Attack" to 65.
And CC74 is now a source of the modulation matrix (last position).
With Midi All Channel = 1, midi Inst1 = 2, ins2=3, int3=4 and inst4 =5.
If you load the same preset to all 4 instruments you should have a 4 voices MPE instrument.
You need a MPE keyboard or Ipad KB-1 app. -
Fix bug when increasing number of voice
New voices assigned to the timbre were not correctly initialized, so in some case, that leads to uncontrolled behaviour. -
I merged the great work of Toltekradiation (Patrice Vigouroux).
All filters are in the source code, so that i can easily merge his future work if any.
The midi value for each filter is also the same, so preset should be compatible with his firmware.
I just made the choice to reorder and not to show some of the filter in the preenfm2 UI.
The new (impressive) list of filter is :
1 Mix
2 LP
3 HP
4 Bass
5 BP
6 Crsh
7 Oryx
8 Orx2
9 Orx3
10 h3o+
11 Svh3
12 Pann
13 LP2
14 HP2
15 Lp3
16 Hp3
17 Bp3
18 Peak
19 Notc
20 Bell
21 LowS
22 HigS,
23 LpHp
24 BpDs
25 LPws
26 Tilt
27 Sat
28 Sigm
29 Fold
30 Wrap
31 LpSn
32 HpSn
33 Not4
34 Ap4
35 Ap4b
36 Ap4D
37 18db
38 La+d
Little more details here :
New midi CC
Control the 4 instruments from a single midi channel.
. CC#119 : value 1, 2, 3, 4 select the current preenfm2 instrument. Display is updated.
. A new setting "Tools>Set> Current Ch." (after the "Midi ch") . It allows you to use a midi channel that is redirected to the current instrument. Default value is none.
New Combo bank shows up correctly
cvIn/Eurorack version
CVGate can trigger several instruments
This version fixed several annoying bugs that occured while using the editor or while controlling the preenfm2 from an external midi controller.
New :
- Scala enable and scale are controlable through midi CC#12 and #13.
Change :
- Arpeggiator moved from CC#97-102 to CC#102-105 to avoid colision with NRPN
Midi bug fix :
- Crash fix when number of voice received by midi above Instruement capacity limit
- Crash fix when "midi value received > parameter max value" for some parameters
- Correcly refresh arpeggiator display when new arpegiator clock received by midi
- Don't display new preset name receive by midi when in MENU mode
- Correcly update '*' (modified preset) when received midi value change for instrument not on display
Other bug fixes
- Op1&Op4 release time of default combo was reset to 2.56 :
- Fix sound inconsistancy when env releast time set to 0.0 or when modulator release < carrier release :
Optimization :
- When parameter value received by midi same as one in memory.