This selfbot relies on animeface-2009
- Ruby
- ImageMagick
- Make
- Python 3
- jq
- rmagick (Ruby Gem)
Installing Requirements: On Debian/Ubuntu-derived distributions:
sudo apt-get install ruby gcc make python3 libmagickwand-dev jq
sudo gem install rmagick
On Arch-based distributions:
sudo pacman -S yay
yay -S imagemagick-full ruby-rmagick ruby python3 jq
After installing requirements git clone this repo and cd into it then run chmod +x ./ && ./
After building completes, move the animeface-ruby
directory to your home folder. eg. mv animeface-ruby ~/
Edit and put your token in, then simply run python3
. After that edit and put your IMGBB API key in
In order to check for an anime pfp simply do ,avatar @user
Do note that this is just a fun little side-project, and is pretty much useless. Oh and btw this isn't well documented, I'll do that later.