This project is the senior design final project of
- Henry Bish
- Steven Hagedorn
- Daniel Stoy
- Jakob Wardega
TODO: add more of a description
- Node.js (tested with v16.13.1 on Windows 10)
- Python 3.8.10 (tested with 3.8.10, **does not work on 3.8.0)
Clone the repository
git clone
Navigate to the root directory
In Terminal #1 (from root directory):
cd server
python -m venv venv
./venv/scripts/activate (or .\venv\scripts\activate)
pip install -r requirements.txt
flask run
Open up a new terminal In Terminal #2 (from root directory)
cd client
npm install
npm run start
All front end files can be found in the client directory. The client makes asynchronous requests to the server inside of react components like the Create page
All machine learning scripts and scripts that do data manipulation can be found in the server directory. The most important file in the server directory is the Server File