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Functions Documentation

Nicholas Elliott edited this page Apr 27, 2019 · 4 revisions

Client List

The Clients selection reveals your router's past and present clients in an easily readable list form, separated by currently connected and disconnected devices.

This function does not use the same API as the 'Status Overview' page shown on the SuperHub 3's landing page, as this API freezes intermittently and does not always reveal up-to-date information. This function uses an alternative API used under the 'Advanced Settings' submenus, which provides reliable and up-to-date connection information.

This function does not change any settings on your router.

Image showing Client List


The WLAN selection allows you to toggle both your Private and Guest WLAN networks. The supported parameters are:

  • 0 Turn off Private WLAN
  • 1 Turn on Private WLAN
  • 2 Turn off Guest WLAN
  • 3 Turn on Guest WLAN

This function changes user-configured Guest WLAN settings on your router when toggled on. The Guest network is created with a default SSID VM_Guest and password Ch4ngeP4ssword987Ple4se which can easily be changed in the script on line 19. These are set because the firmware is written in a way where it depends on the Web GUI to generate a password (using a JS-based generator) for the Guest WLAN every time it is toggled on. I will be working on a better implementation of this, likely allowing the password to be set within the utility.

There are more configurable settings that are not presented to the user when configuring the Guest WLAN, such as the ability to independently activate 2.4GHz or 5GHz, and setting different security modes. These are covered in the OIDs documentation.

Image showing Guest WLAN toggling


The Reboot menu option allows you to reboot your router without the need to log in to the clunky web interface.

It queries two APIs, the latter of which confirms and initiates the reboot process. This function does not change any settings on your router.


The diagnostic option allows you to view more detailed information on the Hub, including the uptime, serial number, WAN IP, WAN IP lease time remaining, DNS servers and firmware version.

Eight APIs are queried in total to retrieve this information, however this is done in a single request which significantly speeds up responsiveness. This does not change any settings on your router.

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