hyper data adapter using AWS DynamoDB as service
This adapter uses single table design. All data for this adapter is stored in a single DynamoDB table with a partition key named "pk" and a sort key named "sk". The hard-coded DynamoDB table name is "hyper-test" The tablename passed from hyper to this adapter becomes the "pk" The id passed from hyper to this adapter becomes the "sk" Everything else is stored in normal document format.
**Note: as of this Nov. 2021, use deno version 1.15.3 to avoid conflicts with https://x.nest.land/hyper-app-opine
deno upgrade --version 1.15.3
- Create a DynamoDB table on AWS. Name it hyper-test. Partion key is string type and named "pk". Sort key is string type and named "sk".
- Create an AWS IAM user with programmatic access and the ability to perform actions on this table.
- On gitpod, configure 3 environment variables (https://www.gitpod.io/docs/environment-variables) awsAccessKeyId awsSecretKey region
- Spin up a gitpod instance by appending "gitpod.io/#" to the repo (gitpod.io/#https://github.com/cawilson1/hyper-adapter-dynamodb). You now have a coding environment with the DynamoDB environment variables injected.
- Downgrade deno to a non-conflicting version:
deno upgrade --version 1.15.3
- Start the dev env by running "./scripts/harness.sh"
- Do cool stuff
- In a terminal, start hyper "./scripts/harness.sh"
- In another terminal, run
HYPER=http://localhost:6363/test deno test --allow-net --allow-env --import-map=https://x.nest.land/hyper-test@0.0.2/import_map.json https://x.nest.land/hyper-test@0.0.2/mod.js