a small tea timer for polybar with notification support inspired by KTeaTime
Insert the modules into your polybar config, and create a bar called 'countbar' to show the countdown.
type = custom/script
interval = 100
format = <label>
exec = $HOME/teatime/timer.sh
tail = true
type = custom/menu
expand-right = true
menu-0-0 = Green Tea
menu-0-1 = Black Tea
menu-0-2 = Herbal Tea
menu-0-0-exec = $HOME/teatime/teabar.sh 1
menu-0-1-exec = $HOME/teatime/teabar.sh 3
menu-0-2-exec = $HOME/teatime/teabar.sh 5
label-open = Tea Timer
label-close = X
label-separator = " | "
Just change the numbers in the polybar config, thats it!
Just add another menu layer and pass the steep time as the argument
- Lemonbar Support
- Zsh/Fish Support
- Pure CLI Support
- Mac Support?
- Pull request!
👤 Jarrett Azar
- Github: @JarrettAzar