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Nagiosgraph is an add-on to Nagios. Nagios monitors one or more services on each host. nagiosgraph extracts information from the Nagios output, processes it, then inserts it into one or more round-robin database (RRD) files. CGI scripts display data from the RRD files as web pages. The CGI output can be embedded directly into Nagios so that graphs show up like other trend reports.

Installation is a three-step process. First install the nagiosgraph files, then configure Nagios for data collection, and finally customize the graphs and links as needed. Installation can be done manually by copying files and modifying configuration files, or automatically using the script.

The INSTALL file contains basic installation instructions.

This README file contains detailed instructions for installing, upgrading, customizing, troubleshooting, and managing performance data.

Answers to frequently asked questions are at:

For help, visit the forum at:

Copyright and License

License: OSI Artistic License 2.0

Author: (c) 2005 Soren Dossing
Author: (c) 2008 Alan Brenner, Ithaka Harbors
Author: (c) 2010 Matthew Wall

Nagios is a registered trademark of Ethan Galstad.

Principles of Operation

nagiosgraph is a simple interface between Nagios and RRD files.

nagiosgraph operates in two modes. One is to collect performance data from Nagios servicechecks, and the other is to display graphs of the performance data collected.

All the data collected are stored in RRD files using rrdtool. A file called 'map' defines how to identify the data from Nagios and how to store them in the RRD files. Nagios passes all the service data to a nagiosgraph script called ''. This script uses the file 'map' to determine how to name the data and into which RRD files to insert the data. The map file also processes the data, for example by changing units or applying scaling factors.

The 'map' file is actually perl code, that is eval'ed by ''. The map file contains a general rule that will capture the performance data from most plugins. However, it may be necessary to add entries to match the output of some Nagios plugins. Several examples of servicechecks are included in the distributed map file. Knowing perl regular expression is helpful, but the examples supplied should cover most types of performance data.

For graphing, nagiosgraph includes cgi scripts. 'show.cgi' looks up performance data for a single host and service, and generates line charts accordingly. Other scripts display all hosts for a specific service, all services for a specific host, or arbitrary groups of hosts and services. These run out-of-the-box with minimal configuration, or they can be customized, using a configuration file or interactively.

Graphs can be integrated into Nagios using Nagios' extended information for services and hosts. By specifying nagiosgraph cgi scripts in the Nagios configuration, individual graphs and collections of graphs can be linked directly to hosts and services in Nagios web pages.

By default, all available data for a servicecheck will be displayed in the same graph. With extra configuration, either embedded in the url, specified in a configuration file, or using controls in a web page, it is possible to display less data or to split values into multiple graphs. There is also a general method for specifying arbitrary RRD graph options such as line style, color, and scaling for individual hosts or services.

Installation Preliminaries

Before installing, ensure that the prerequisite software has been installed then decide upon a layout and location.


Nagiosgraph will not function without a working Nagios installation, so first ensure that Nagios works. Version 3.2 or later is recommended, but older versions will also work.

Nagiosgraph requires rrdtool. Version 1.4 or later is recommended, but older versions will also work.

Nagiosgraph requires the CGI and RRDs perl modules. The RRDs perl module is part of rrdtool but is often distributed as a separate package. The GD perl module is optional, but recommended. The Nagios::Object perl module is optional, but useful for automatic configuration of showgroup.cgi.


apt-get install libcgi-pm-perl librrds-perl
apt-get install libgd-gd2-perl libnagios-object-perl


yum install perl-rrdtool perl-GD


rrdtool, perl-GD


rrdtool, gd


rrdtool, gd


p5-RRD, p5-GD

The script includes an option to check for pre-requisites: --check-prereq  

Layout and Location

There are two standard layouts: separate or overlay. The separated layout has nagiosgraph and Nagios in separate directories. The overlay places nagiosgraph components with Nagios components.

Nagios and nagiosgraph can be installed in just about any location, for example /opt or /usr/local.

Redhat (Fedora, CentOS), SUSE, and Debian (Ubuntu) systems have their own layouts. If you installed Nagios from a package, you can overlay nagiosgraph or you can install nagiosgraph to its own standalone location.

When installing from source, the standalone layout is highly recommended since it makes updates much easier.

Decide upon a location and layout before you start the installation. Examples are in the Sample Installation Layouts section.

Installation Methods

There are a few ways to install nagiosgraph: manual, script, and package. On most systems the installation requires root permissions, so either do the installation as root or preface commands with sudo.

Manual Installation

Copy and edit files directly. Follow the recipe in the INSTALL file, or the instructions in these sections of this file:

Install Script

Run the script. It will prompt you for the parameters it needs, then it will copy and configure nagiosgraph files. It will also prompt you to modify apache and Nagios configuration files. --prefix=/usr/local/nagiosgraph --help

Installation Using Packages

The nagiosgraph packages assume that Nagios and apache were installed from packages. Do not use a nagiosgraph package if you installed Nagios or apache from source!

Debian, Ubuntu

dpkg -i nagiosgraph-x.y.z.deb

Redhat, Fedora, CentOS, SUSE

rpm -i nagiosgraph-x.y.z.rpm

Installing nagiosgraph Files

These instructions assume a standalone layout, with Nagios at /usr/local/nagios and nagiosgraph at /usr/local/nagiosgraph

  1. Create destination directories:

    mkdir /usr/local/nagiosgraph
    mkdir /usr/local/nagiosgraph/bin
    mkdir /usr/local/nagiosgraph/cgi-bin
    mkdir /usr/local/nagiosgraph/etc
    mkdir /usr/local/nagiosgraph/share
  2. Extract nagiosgraph into a temporary location:

    cd /tmp
    tar xzvf nagiosgraph-x.y.z.tgz
  3. Copy the contents of etc into your preferred configuration location:

    cp etc/* /usr/local/nagiosgraph/etc
  4. Edit the perl scripts in the cgi and lib directories, modifying the "use lib" line to point to the directory from the previous step.

    vi cgi/*.cgi lib/
  5. Copy to a location from which it can be executed:

    cp lib/ /usr/local/nagiosgraph/bin
  6. Copy CGI scripts to a script directory served by the web server:

    cp cgi/*.cgi /usr/local/nagiosgraph/cgi-bin
  7. Copy CSS and JavaScript files to a directory served by the web server:

    cp share/nagiosgraph.css /usr/local/nagiosgraph/share
    cp share/nagiosgraph.js /usr/local/nagiosgraph/share
  8. Edit nagiosgraph.conf. Set at least the following:

    logfile           = /var/log/nagiosgraph.log
    cgilogfile        = /var/log/nagiosgraph-cgi.log
    perflog           = /var/nagios/perfdata.log
    rrddir            = /var/nagios/rrd
    mapfile           = /usr/local/nagiosgraph/etc/map
    nagiosgraphcgiurl = /nagiosgraph/cgi-bin
    javascript        = /nagiosgraph/nagiosgraph.js
    stylesheet        = /nagiosgraph/nagiosgraph.css
  9. Set permissions of "rrddir" (as defined in nagiosgraph.conf) so that the *nagios* user can write to it and the *www* user can read it:

    mkdir /var/nagios/rrd
    chown nagios /var/nagios/rrd
    chmod 755 /var/nagios/rrd
  10. Set permissions of "logfile" so that the *nagios* user can write to it:

    touch /var/log/nagiosgraph.log
    chown nagios /var/log/nagiosgraph.log
    chmod 644 /var/log/nagiosgraph.log
  11. Set permissions of "cgilogfile" so that the *www* user can write to it:

    touch /var/log/nagiosgraph-cgi.log
    chown www /var/log/nagiosgraph-cgi.log
    chmod 644 /var/log/nagiosgraph-cgi.log
  12. Ensure that the *nagios* user can create and delete perfdata files:

    chown nagios /var/nagios
    chmod 755 /var/nagios

Upgrade Notes

  • Follow the steps for a new installation, but keep your customizations. Your changes should be limited to the map file (map), configuration files (nagiosgraph.conf and other .conf files), and the stylesheet (nagiosgraph.css).

  • Use diff, or a similar tool, to update your nagiosgraph.conf with any new fields from etc/nagiosgraph.conf

  • Use diff, or a similar tool, to update your nagiosgraph.css with changes from share/nagiosgraph.css.

  • You may want to look at etc/map or the files in the examples directory to see if there are any map rules or CSS useful to your configuration.

  • If you change from immediate processing to batch processing, be sure to comment out service_perfdata_command in the Nagios configuration.

  • Be sure to install the nagiosgraph.js and nagiosgraph.css files, especially if you are upgrading from nagiosgraph older than 1.2.

  • If you are upgrading from nagiosgraph 1.4.1 or earlier, move your service and database/datasource labels from nagiosgraph.conf to labels.conf.

  • If you are upgrading from nagiosgraph 1.4.3 or earlier and you were using nagios3 for the authzmethod, you must replace authz_nagios_cfg and authz_cgi_cfg with authzfile. All of the Nagios authorization parameters should be in the Nagios CGI configuration file (typically cgi.cfg).

  • If you are upgrading from nagiosgraph 1.4.3 or earlier, you might want to add the generic map rule to the end of your map file. This rule will catch performance data from any additional plugins you add. Using the generic rule results in RRD files with the following structure, one file per named performance data element, with one or more data sources:

    host0/service___label (data[,warn][,crit][,min][,max])
  • If you are upgrading from nagiosgraph 1.4.3 or earlier, you should make any ignore map rules explicit. For example, in the map file change this:

    /output:CHECK_NRPE: Socket timeout/
    and return;

    to this:

    /output:CHECK_NRPE: Socket timeout/
    and return ('ignore');

Configuring Data Processing

Before nagiosgraph can graph anything it must first collect data. There are two ways to process data - batch and immediate. Batch processing is usually appropriate for most Nagios deployments. Immediate processing typically requires more CPU and I/O.

In batch processing, performance data are appended to a file, then Nagios invokes at a regular interval to update the RRD files.

In immediate processing, Nagios invokes immediately after each service check, thus updating the corresponding RRD files.

Batch Processing

  1. In the Nagios configuration file (nagios.cfg) set:


    Make sure that service_perfdata_command is either commented out or not defined.

    Make sure that location of service_perfdata_file matches that of perflog defined in nagiosgraph.conf.

  2. In the Nagios commands file (commands.cfg) define the process-service-perfdata command:

    define command {
      command_name  process-service-perfdata
      command_line  /usr/local/nagiosgraph/bin/

    Make sure there is only one definition for process-service-perfdata.

    Older versions of Nagios used checkcommands.cfg or misccommands.cfg.

  3. Check the Nagios configuration

    /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
  4. Restart Nagios

    /etc/init.d/nagios restart

Immediate Processing

  1. In nagios.cfg:


    Make sure that service_perfdata_file_processing_command is either commented out or not defined.

  2. In commands.cfg:

    define command{
      command_name  process-service-perfdata
      command_line  /usr/local/nagiosgraph/bin/ "$LASTSERVICECHECK$||$HOSTNAME$||$SERVICEDESC$||$SERVICEOUTPUT$||$SERVICEPERFDATA$"
  3. Check the Nagios configuration

    /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
  4. Restart Nagios

    /etc/init.d/nagios restart

Configuring Graphing and Display

First configure the web server to run the nagiosgraph CGI scripts. For example, with Apache do something like this in the Apache configuration:

ScriptAlias /nagiosgraph/cgi-bin /usr/local/nagiosgraph/cgi-bin
<Directory "/usr/local/nagiosgraph/cgi-bin">
   Options ExecCGI
   AllowOverride None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all
Alias /nagiosgraph "/usr/local/nagiosgraph/share"
<Directory "/usr/local/nagiosgraph/share">
   Options None
   AllowOverride None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

Restart the web server:

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Verify that nagiosgraph is working by running showconfig.cgi


Try graphing some data by running show.cgi


This should display a web page with a list of your hosts and services. Note that it might take a few minutes for data to collect, so at first the list of hosts and services might be sparse and the graphs might be empty.

There are a few ways to embed graphs into Nagios. In the service and host listings, Nagios will display graph icons that, when clicked, will open a new web page with graphs. These icons are typically per-host (linked to the showhost.cgi script) or per-host-service (linked to the show.cgi script). Nagios will display graph data when the mouse is moved over the graph icon for each host/service. Finally, graphs can be displayed directly in the Nagios frames. The following sections explain how to do each of these.

Links to graphs can be embedded in Nagios status pages using the notes or actions fields. The specifics depend on the Nagios version as well as how you have configured your host and service definitions. Nagios 2 uses the serviceextinfo and hostextinfo construct. In Nagios 3 the nagiosgraph additions go directly in the host and service definitions.

To display a graph icon instead of the Nagios action icon, replace nagios/images/action.gif with graph.gif from the nagiosgraph distribution.

In its default configuration, Nagios will create a new window for each action or notes link. To display graphs in the Nagios frame instead of a new window, set action_url_target=main in the Nagios cgi.cfg file.

For Nagios 2.6 and Earlier

If you have these lines in nagios.cfg, un-comment the 2 cfg_file= lines:

# Extended host/service info definitions are now stored along with
# other object definitions:
# cfg_file=/etc/nagios/hostextinfo.cfg
# cfg_file=/etc/nagios/serviceextinfo.cfg

Otherwise, define in cgi.cfg the following:


Edit/Create hostextinfo.cfg

define hostextinfo {
  host_name  your-host
  action_url /nagiosgraph/cgi-bin/showhost.cgi?host=$HOSTNAME$

This must be the host you will use in serviceextinfo.cfg

Edit/Create serviceextinfo.cfg

define serviceextinfo {
  service_description  DNS
  hostgroup       servers
  notes_url       /nagiosgraph/cgi-bin/show.cgi?host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVICEDESC$
  icon_image      graph.gif
  icon_image_alt  View graphs

For Nagios 2.9 and Nagios 3

Use the action_url for any existing host or service definition. For example,

define service {
  name NTP
  use local-service
  action_url /nagiosgraph/cgi-bin/show.cgi?host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVICEDESC$

define host {
  host_name web-server
  action_url /nagiosgraph/cgi-bin/showhost.cgi?host=$HOSTNAME$

To apply graph links to multiple services, define a template such as this:

define service {
  name graphed-service
  action_url /nagiosgraph/cgi-bin/show.cgi?host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVICEDESC$
  register 0

Then use it in services like this:

define service {
  name NTP
  use local-service,graphed-service

Graphs in Nagios Mouseovers

To display graphs as mouseovers for each host and/or service, do the following:

  1. Edit the file share/nagiosgraph.ssi to contain the URL to the nagiosgraph javascript file (e.g. /nagiosgraph/nagiosgraph.js)

  2. If you have not customized the Nagios SSI, copy share/nagiosgraph.ssi to the Nagios ssi directory, and rename it so that Nagios will insert it into each page. For example:

    cp share/nagiosgraph.ssi /usr/local/nagios/share/ssi/common-header.ssi

    If you have customized Nagios SSI, add the contents of share/nagiosgraph.ssi to your customized SSI header file.

  3. Configure services to display graphs on mouseovers by adding some JavaScript to action_url or notes_url. For example:

    define service {
      name NTP
      use local-service
      action_url /nagiosgraph/cgi-bin/show.cgi?host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVICEDESC$' onMouseOver='showGraphPopup(this)' onMouseOut='hideGraphPopup()' rel='/nagiosgraph/cgi-bin/showgraph.cgi?host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVICEDESC$

    This example displays a week of data in a popup with no legend:

    define service {
      name NTP
      use local-service
      action_url /nagiosgraph/cgi-bin/show.cgi?host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVICEDESC$' onMouseOver='showGraphPopup(this)' onMouseOut='hideGraphPopup()' rel='/nagiosgraph/cgi-bin/showgraph.cgi?host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVICEDESC$&period=week&rrdopts=-w+450+-j

You must restart Nagios for changes to service/host defintions to take effect.

If a service includes multiple data sources, use the datasetdb file (specified in nagiosgraph.conf) to indicate which data sources should be displayed by default for each service, or specify the data source(s) explicity in each action_url.

Graphs in Nagios Frames

To embed nagiosgraph graphs directly into Nagios, do the following:

Modify side.php (e.g. /usr/local/nagios/share/side.php) by inserting bullets under the 'Trends' heading:

<li><a href="<?php echo $cfg["cgi_base_url"];?>/trends.cgi" target="<?php echo $link_target;?>">Trends</a>
<li><a href="<?php echo $cfg["cgi_base_url"];?>/show.cgi" target="<?php echo $link_target;?>">Graphs</a></li>
<li><a href="<?php echo $cfg["cgi_base_url"];?>/showhost.cgi" target="<?php echo $link_target;?>">Graphs by Host</a></li>
<li><a href="<?php echo $cfg["cgi_base_url"];?>/showservice.cgi" target="<?php echo $link_target;?>">Graphs by Service</a></li>
<li><a href="<?php echo $cfg["cgi_base_url"];?>/showgroup.cgi" target="<?php echo $link_target;?>">Graphs by Group</a></li>

If you keep the nagiosgraph cgi scripts in a location different than the Nagios cgi scripts, then use 'ng_cgi_base_url' rather than 'cgi_base_url' and make an entry in such as this:


Some Nagios installations have side.html instead of side.php:

<li><a href="/nagios/cgi-bin/trends.cgi" target="main">Trends</a>
<li><a href="/nagiosgraph/cgi-bin/show.cgi" target="main">Graphs</a></li>
<li><a href="/nagiosgraph/cgi-bin/showhost.cgi" target="main">Graphs by Host</a></li>
<li><a href="/nagiosgraph/cgi-bin/showservice.cgi" target="main">Graphs by Service</a></li>
<li><a href="/nagiosgraph/cgi-bin/showgroup.cgi" target="main">Graphs by Group</a></li>

Customizing the Graphs

The look and feel of nagiosgraph is controlled by the cascading style sheets defined in nagiosgraph.css. The examples directory contains a stylesheet file with sample style sheets for fixing the controls to the page, floating the controls above the graphs, or hiding the controls altogether.

Graphs can be customized individually by specifying CGI arguments, or they can be customized overall by specifying values in the configuration files. Some parameters apply to each page, others apply to each service, and others apply to each data source.

The following CGI arguments are recognized by show.cgi, showhost.cgi, showservice.cgi, and showgroup.cgi:


Do not display the nagiosgraph title in the page.


Set the dimensions of all graphs to W pixels wide and H pixels tall.


Display a title next to each graph.


Display a description of data sources next to each graph.


Display a title in each graph.


Display only graph data, not axes, grid, or legend.


Do not display the legend in each graph.


Set the Y-axis to be in the same scale as the performance data. This is useful to prevent a variety of vertical scales when autoscaling results in different vertical scaling for each graph.

The following options are available via configuration files:


Use the rrdopts option to specify custom RRD graphing options. These can be specified for all graphs using rrdopts, or per-service using the rrdoptsfile.


Use lineformat to control the line thickness and line color for individual data sources. The alpha channel is respected if a recent version of rrdtool is installed.

plotas, plotasLINE1, plotasLINE2, plotasLINE3, plotasAREA, plotasTICK

Use plotas to control the line thickness/style for individual data sources.


Create stacked area graphs using the stack directive for individual data sources, the STACK directive in lineformat, or by adjusting the alpha channel in specified colors.

Some services emit multiple data sources with big differences in magnitude. Others emit data with different units. In such cases, split the data into seperate graphs by specifying one or more data sources. For example, for the NTP service, jitter and offset are typically in the same range, while stratum is orders of magnitude larger. So we specify two different graphs:


This assumes that jitter, offset, and stratum are all stored in a single RRD file using a map entry such as:

/output:NTP.*Offset ([-.0-9]+).*jitter ([-.0-9]+).*stratum (\d+)/
and push @s, [ 'ntp',
               [ 'offset',  GAUGE, $1      ],
               [ 'jitter',  GAUGE, $2/1000 ],
               [ 'stratum', GAUGE, $3+1    ] ];

Data are identified by host, service, database, and data source. It is possible to graph all sources from a single database, a single source from a database, selected sources from a single database, or selected sources from multiple databases. In each case, the host and service must match. For example:


These options apply to showgraph.cgi, show.cgi, and showservice.cgi and in the configuration files hostdb.conf, groupdb.conf, and datasetdb.conf.

Use URLs as canned queries. For example, define a 'temperatures' group in the groupdb.conf file that combines temperature data from multiple hosts and service types, then create a link to that group:


See the configuration files for more options and examples.

Adding Service Types

Service types are added by creating rules in the 'map' file. The map file determines how data from Nagios will be stored. Each rule determines how output and performance data should be recorded.

The map file contains regular expressions to identify service types and define content in RRD files. All entries are written in perl, so editing, adding or deleting entries requires some perl programming knowledge. Knowledge of RRD is also helpful.

There has to be one entry for each type of service. The map file included with nagiosgraph has several examples for cpu, memory, disk, network etc. Most examples identify data from either Nagios output or Nagios perfdata then define a number of RRD data sources. There is also a generic rule that will capture output from any plugin that adheres to the Nagios standards for plugin performance data. receives data from Nagios. It formats data into a string consisting of four lines of text. This string might look like this:

output:PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.00 ms

Or like this:

servicedesc:CPU Load 
output:OK - load average: 0.06, 0.12, 0.10
perfdata:load1=0;15;30;0 load5=0;10;25;0 load15=0;5;20;0 

The official perfdata format is a space-delimited list of qualified name-value pairs with this format:


where units is one of:

- unitless
             s,us,ms - time
                   % - percentage
    B,KB,MB,GB,TB,PB - bytes
                   c - counter

However, the perfdata is not always set, and the format of perfdata varies a great deal from plugin to plugin. So depending on type of service, the most useful data can be in either the output or perfdata line.

For the ping example above, data can be extracted from the output line with a regular expression like this:


In this case, two values are extracted and available in $1 and $2. We can then create a data structure describing the content of the database. The general format is

[ db-name,
  [ DS-name, TYPE, DS-value ],
  [ DS-name, TYPE, DS-value ],

Where DS name is the name that will be assigned to a line showing on RRD graphs. Each DS name must be no longer than 19 characters and must contain only the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, or underscore. TYPE is either GAUGE or DERIVE. the DS value is the data extracted in the regular expression. The DS value can be an expression, for example to normalize to SI units.

Each database definition must be added to the @s array.

So the complete code to define and insert into an RRD file for the PING example above, becomes:

and push @s, [ ping,
              [ losspct, GAUGE, $1      ],
              [ rta,     GAUGE, $2/1000 ] ];

In this case the database name is called 'ping' and the DS-names stored are losspct and rta. The Nagios output reports round trip time in milliseconds, so the value is divided by 1000 to convert to seconds. The type for each DS is GAUGE.

Be careful about the database names and DS names. In the code example above the names are barewords, which only works as long as the don't conflict with perl functions or subroutines. For example the word 'sleep' will not work without quoting.

A safer version of the above example is

and push @s, [ 'ping',
              [ 'losspct', 'GAUGE', $1      ],
              [ 'rta',     'GAUGE', $2/1000 ] ];

After editing the map file, the syntax can be checked with

perl -c map

Again a word of caution. If the map file has syntax errors, nothing will be inserted into RRD files until the file is fixed. So do not edit production map files. Instead do something like this:

cp map map.edit
vi map.edit
perl -c map.edit
mv map.edit map

Use to test a rule before putting it into production. First run the Nagios check command from the command line to see what is returned. Copy this output and paste it into Paste the rule into Run to see how the output will be handled.

Changes to the map file generally do not require a restart of Nagios.

It may take awhile for data from a map entry to show up in an RRD file. This is partly due to the service check scheduling in Nagios, and partly due to the perfdata buffering of service_perfdata_file_processing_interval

Increase debug level in nagiosgraph.conf to see what is happening. The debug_insert parameter determines the log level for collecting data. Output will go to the nagiosgraph log file. Keep an eye on the log file; it can grow big. Perhaps rotate it, or decrease log level when everything works.

Share your work. If you have a good map file entry for standard Nagios plugins, then please post it on the forum.

Managing Data and RRD Files

nagiosgraph saves data in RRD files in the rrddir directory (specified in nagiosgraph.conf). By default, nagiosgraph uses a directory for each host, and the RRD files are named based on the service description (from Nagios) and the data names (from the map file). For example, the default configuration for the PING service results in RRD files like this:


Older versions of nagiosgraph kept all RRD files in a single directory. This is controlled by the dbseparator variable in nagiosgraph.conf.

Use the 'dump' and 'restore' options to rrdtool if you need to restructure RRD files. You might want to split data from a single RRD file into multiple files, or you might want to combine data from multiple RRD files into a single file. Or you might simply want to change the name of a data source. The dump option will emit data in XML format:

rrdtool dump service___db.rrd > service_db.xml

You can modify the XML with any text editor, then convert to RRD format:

rrdtool restore service_db.xml service___db-new.rrd

Unfortunately the RRD file schema is not dynamic. If an RRD file is created with 2 data sources, more data sources cannot be added automatically. For example, you start recording UPS temperature to an RRD file using the following map rule:

and push @s, [ 'temp',
               [ 'temperature', GAUGE, $1 ] ];

Later you decide to include critical and warning temperatures using this map rule:

and push @s, [ 'temp',
               [ 'temperature', GAUGE, $1 ],
               [ 'warn',  GAUGE, $2 ],
               [ 'crit',  GAUGE, $3 ] ];

The new rule will still record temperature, but critical and warning values will be discarded, because they are not defined in the RRD file. You must do a dump/edit/restore on the RRD file if you want to add critical/warning while maintaining existing temperature data. Alternatively you can simply delete the existing RRD file and let the new map rule create the new RRD file.

What is the 'right' way to configure RRD files? Should all data from a single service go into a single RRD file? Should each RRD file contain a single set of data? Some best practices have evolved over the past 10 years, but as of this writing (febrary 2010) there is no single 'right' way.

Some people prefer to put all data from a single service into a single RRD file, even if the data have different units. For example, for the PING service their RRD files look something like this:

PING___ping.rrd (losspct, losswarn, losscrit, rta, rtawarn, rtacrit)

Others prefer a separate file for each data source:

PING___losspct.rrd (losspct)
PING___losswarn.rrd (losswarn)
PING___losscrit.rrd (losscrit)
PING___rta.rrd (rta)
PING___rtawarn.rrd (rtawarn)
PING___rtacrit.rrd (rtacrit)

And others prefer something in between:

PING___loss.rrd (losspct, losswarn, losscrit)
PING___rta.rrd (rta, rtawarn, rtacrit)

It is a good idea to plan your configuration before you start recording data. Although it is possible to reconfigure data after the RRD files are full, doing so is somewhat tedious, especially for large numbers of hosts/services.

The 1.4.4 release of nagiosgraph added a generic map rule that matches any standard performance data. This rule puts the data into RRD files using this structure:

host0/service___label.rrd     (data[,warn][,crit][,min][,max])

For example, for service0 with 3 perfdata labels and service1 with 1 perfdata labels, the rule generates the following RRD files:

host0/service0___label0.rrd   (data[,warn][,crit][,min][,max])
host0/service0___label1.rrd   (data[,warn][,crit][,min][,max])
host0/service0___label2.rrd   (data[,warn][,crit][,min][,max])
host0/service1___label0.rrd   (data[,warn][,crit][,min][,max])

There are a few rrdtool parameters that affect size of the RRD files and the resolution of data:


These parameters are used only when an RRD file is created. By default they are the same for all hosts and services, but they can be specified for individual hosts, services, and or databases in the nagiosgraph configuration file. To modify these values for an existing RRD file you must do a dump/edit/restore. See the rrdtool documentation for details.

Managing RRD Parameters

The most important parameters are stepsize, heartbeat, and sampling interval. A typical sign that these parameters are not set correctly is values of NaN in the RRD files, which manifests as gaps in the graphs or empty graphs.

A good rule of thumb is to use a heartbeat that is twice the sampling interval and a stepsize equal to the sampling interval.

In a default nagiosgraph configuration, the same parameters are applied to all hosts and services. However, they can be specified for individual hosts and services if necessary.

The stepsize, in seconds, defines the nominal amount of time between data points. The default value is 300 (5 minutes). The heartbeat, in seconds, defines the amount of time between updates before a data point should be considered unknown. The default value is 600 (10 minutes). The resolution defines how many data points should be kept. The step defines how data points are consolidated. The xfiles factor defines how unknown data points are considered when consolidating data. These parameters are specified in the nagiosgraph configuration file.

The sampling interval is defined in Nagios (check_interval). This defines how often a service will be checked.

These values are used only when an RRD file is created. To change the stepsize, heartbeat, or resolution of an existing RRD, one must dump the RRD file to XML, modify the data, then restore the RRD file. Or simply delete the RRD file and let nagiosgraph create a new one.

Configuring Access Controls

nagiosgraph does authorization (authz), not authentication (authn). Access is granted or denied to users for specific services and hosts. There are two ways to configure authorization: using Nagios configuration files or using a standalone nagiosgraph configuration file.

To use Nagios access controls, define the following in nagiosgraph.conf:


nagiosgraph respects the following Nagios variables:


To use nagiosgraph access controls, define the following in nagiosgraph.conf:


The nagiosgraph access control file uses the following syntax:


Wildcards are permitted to match hosts, services, or users. The exclamation character negates permissions for a user. For example:

*=                 # deny access to everyone for all hosts and services
*=*                # grant access to everyone for all hosts and services
host1=guest        # grant access to guest for all services on host1
host1,ping=!guest  # deny access to guest for ping on host1
*,ping=guest       # grant access to guest for ping on any host
*    # grant access to guest for any host in

Permissions are respected by all nagiosgraph CGI scripts, so you can safely distribute URLs for specific graphs or reports.


First identify whether your problem is with data collection or data display.

Are perfdata being collected by Nagios? Run a Nagios plugin directly and make sure that it is working properly. For example:

check_ping -H host -w 100,10% -c 200,20%

Are permissions set correctly? The nagios user must be able to write to the rrd directory. The nagios user must be able to write to the nagiosgraph log file. The web server user must be able to write to the nagiosgraph cgi log file (which might be the same as the nagiosgraph log file for older nagiosgraph installations). If the web server user does not have permission to modify the log file, nagiosgraph cgi logging will end up in the web server error log.

Is nagiosgraph running? In nagiosgraph.conf, set debug_insert=5 then look at the nagiosgraph log file. You should see messages from Ensure that is being called as expected, either periodically by Nagios or in a loop.

Are the RRD files being created? The nagios user must have write permission on the rrd directory.

Are the RRD files being modified? Check the RRD file timestamp.

Are data being saved into RRD files? With debug_insert=3, look in the nagiosgraph log file for errors or warnings from Problems with map rules should be reported in the log file. If necessary, increase the log level to debug_insert=5.

Are the RRD file contents sane? Use 'rrdtool dump filename.rrd'. It is normal for a new RRD file to be full of NaN. As the file is updated those should be replaced with proper values. Ensure that the data source names in the RRD file correspond to the names in the map rule.

Are there old or unused RRD files lying about? Older versions of nagiosgraph can be confused by multiple RRD files with the same data source for a single host. If you change the map rule for a service, you might want to move the old RRD files out of the rrd directory.

If graphs are not being displayed, start by graphing a single host and service with showgraph.cgi, for example showgraph.cgi?host=HOST&service=SERVICE. Set debug_showgraph=3 in nagiosgraph.conf, then look for output in the nagiosgraph log file or the web server error log.

Be aware of what you are asking nagiosgraph to display. Start with just a host and service, then get more specific. For example, each of these queries will result in a different graph:


To isolate problems in individual CGI scripts, use debug_show (show.cgi), debug_showhost (showhost.cgi), debug_showservice (showservice.cgi), or debug_showgroup (showgroup.cgi) as appropriate.

For installations with many hosts and services, use the host/service extensions when setting the log level (e.g. debug_showgraph_host = host) to make the log information easier to grok.


Translations are in a single file, with one file per language. Strings for both the cgi and javascript are in the same file. The javascript translations and language detection are controlled by the cgi scripts.

In order to minimize dependencies and overhead, nagiosgraph uses its own system for internationalization. It has a syntax similar to gettext. Strings are defined in english within the perl and javascript code. There is no support for complex lexical structures - only string literals. The user interface to nagiosgraph is (so far) simple enough that this suffices.

To create a new translation, copy an existing translation file to a file with the appropriate extension. For example, nagiosgraph_es.conf is the file for generic spanish.

Error messages are not translated.

Language is detected from the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE environment variable. The first language in this list is the language used. If a language is specified in the nagiosgraph configuration file, that language overrides anything in the environment.

The language can be specified as an argument to each cgi script, for example:


Language specified in this manner overrides any environment or configuration.

Enumeration of Files


History of changes


Example recipe for installing nagiosgraph


This file


A list of potential improvements to nagiosgraph

Installation script


Reads Nagios perfdata log and insert into RRD files


Generates an html page for the host/service specified


Check the nagiosgraph configuration


Generates the actual graph image used by other scripts


Generates an html page for the group specified


Generates an html page for the host specified, showing all available services on the host


Generates an html page for the service specified, showing all hosts with that service


Preview of colors for keywords in each color scheme


Access control file


Optional configuration for data sets


Primary configuration file for nagiosgraph




Configuration specific to showgroup.cgi


Configuration specific to showhost.cgi


Configuration specific to showservice.cgi


Per-service options to rrdgraph


Regular expression to identify services and specification for how to create RRD files


Shared library of common perl subroutines


Configuration examples


An icon for use in Nagios


CSS stylesheet


All of the JavaScript used by nagiosgraph


HTML for Nagios pages to enable graphs on mouseover


perl test scripts


A script for testing new map file entries


Script for converting RRD data from flat to hierarchy

Sample Installation Layouts

Here are samples of nagiosgraph/nagios installation layouts.

separate, installed to /opt:



overlay, installed to /usr/local/nagios:






Sample Web Server Configuration

Here are snippets from a typical (but basic) Apache server configuration.

ScriptAlias /nagiosgraph/cgi-bin/ "/opt/nagiosgraph/cgi/"
<Directory "/opt/nagiosgraph/cgi">
   Options ExecCGI
   AllowOverride None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all
Alias /nagiosgraph "/opt/nagiosgraph/share"
<Directory "/opt/nagiosgraph/share">
   Options None
   AllowOverride None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all
ScriptAlias /nagios/cgi-bin "/opt/nagios/sbin"
<Directory "/opt/nagios/sbin">
   Options ExecCGI
   AllowOverride None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all
Alias /nagios "/opt/nagios/share"
<Directory "/opt/nagios/share">
   Options None
   AllowOverride None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

Platform Specific Notes

Nagios Embedded PERL (ePN)

The Nagios embedded PERL interpreter (ePN) does not understand every PERL idiom. In particular, it has problems with perldoc. If you get errors such as:

ePN failed to compile /usr/lib/cgi-bin/nagios3/ "Missing right
curly or square bracket at (eval 1) line 45, at end of line syntax error
at (eval 1) line 52, at EOF" at /usr/lib/nagios3/ line 250

then you must explicitly invoke PERL for For example, for batch processing use this:

command_line /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/nagios/libexec/

or for immediate processing use this:

command_line /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ "$LASTSERVICECHECK$||$HOSTNAME$||$SERVICEDESC$||$SERVICEOUTPUT$||$SERVICEPERFDATA$"

CentOS 5 and Nagiosgraph 0.9

wget ''
wget ''
wget ''
wget ''
yum install -y libart_lgpl.i386
rpm -hiv *rrdtool*.rpm

tar xzvf nagiosgraph-0.9.0.tgz
cd nagiosgraph-0.9.0
mkdir /usr/local/nagios/nagiosgraph
cp -r . /usr/local/nagios/nagiosgraph/
mkdir /usr/local/nagios/nagiosgraph/rrd
chmod go+rX /usr/local/nagios/nagiosgraph
chown nagios /usr/local/nagios/nagiosgraph/rrd
mkdir -p /var/spool/nagios
touch /var/log/nagiosgraph.log /var/spool/nagios/perfdata.log
chown nagios.apache /var/log/nagiosgraph.log /var/spool/nagios/perfdata.log
chmod 664 /var/log/nagiosgraph.log
chmod 644 /var/spool/nagios/perfdata.log

ln -s /usr/local/nagios/nagiosgraph/nagiosgraph.conf /usr/local/etc/nagiosgraph.conf

cp nagiosgraph.css /usr/local/nagios/share/stylesheets

MacOSX 10.5 and Nagios 2.12

Use the lib/ wrapper to ensure that perl is invoked properly.

define command {
    command_name    process-service-perfdata
    command_line    /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ "$LASTSERVICECHECK$||$HOSTNAME$||$SERVICEDESC$||$SERVICEOUTPUT$||$SERVICEPERFDATA$"

Fedora Core 6 and HTTP output parsing

The entry in the map file for HTTP does not work for Fedora core 6 with Nagios 2.6 and later. This is what did work.

# Service type: unix-www
#   ouput:OK - HTTP/1.1 302 Found - 0.002 second response time |time=0.001920s;;;0.000000 size=126B;;;0
/output:.*?HTTP.*?([.0-9]+) sec/
and push @s, [ http,
    [ rt, GAUGE, $1 ] ];

Notes For Developers

The makefile rules control pretty much everything. To create the makefile,

perl Makefile.PL

Basic targets are the same as any MakeMaker perl module.

make test
make install
make clean
make realclean

There are rules to build a source distribution, Debian, and Redhat packages.

make dist                  creates nagiosgraph-x.y.z.tar.gz
make deb-package           creates nagsiograph-x.y.z.deb
make rpm-package           creates nagiosgraph-x.y.z.rpm

If you would like to contribute to nagiosgraph, there are a few things you should do to make your life and the lives of the other nagiosgraph developers easier.

  • Please respect these design goals:

    1. do not break existing installations

    2. minimize dependencies

    3. keep it simple

  • perlcritic

    Run perlcritic and fix all warnings before you commit. Be brutal:

    perlcritic -1 cgi/*.cgi
    perlcritic -1 etc/*.pm

    or use the make rule to run them all:

    make critic
  • unit tests

    Run the unit tests before modifying existing functionality. Write unit tests before you add code.

    make test
  • test coverage

    To generate code coverage reports, install Devel::Cover then run tests:

    make test-coverage

    This will generate a cover_db directory with code coverage metrics.

  • profiling

    Use the perl profiler to see which parts of the code are taking most time. Run the cgi script with DProf enabled, specifying args on the command line.

    perl -d:DProf cgi/show.cgi
    perl -d:DProf cgi/showgraph.cgi host=HOST service=SERVICE

    Then view the profiling results.


    The bottlenecks are RRDs::graph (showgraph.cgi) and RRDs::info (show.cgi). RRDs::info is invoked on each file in the rrd directory tree. On a 1.4GHz G4 PPC, getting info on 500 files takes about 0.2 seconds.

  • internationalization (i18n)

    To get a list of all translated string constants, do the following:

    grep '_(' cgi/*.cgi etc/*.pm | sed -e 's/.*_(\([^)]*\).*/\1/' | sort -u
    grep '_(' share/*.js | sed -e 's/.*_(\([^)]*\).*/\1/' | sort -u

    nagiosgraph uses a bare bones, home-grown, standalone implementation of i18n. If you add strings to the user interface or error handling, please follow the pattern used for other strings in the code. All translations reside in a single file, with one file per language. Each file is used by the cgi (directly) and the javascript (via the cgi).

  • configurations

    Be consistent in configuration files and documentation about where the nagiosgraph files are installed, regardless of what you use. Use the standalone layout, with Nagios installed at /usr/local/nagios and nagiosgraph installed at /usr/local/nagiosgraph

  • perldoc

    You can preview the perldoc by doing the following:

    perldoc cgi/show.cgi
    perldoc etc/

Project Testing/Code Summary

Here are some project statistics as of 14feb12:

Number of unit tests: 1307

Test coverage:

stmt   bran   cond    sub    pod   time  total
 etc/           82.5   77.3   67.4   91.6    0.0  100.0   77.0

Platforms on which unit tests have been run:

os             arch      perl
debian 5       ppc       5.10.0
debian 6       i386,x64  5.10.1

Platforms on which installation has been tested:

os             arch      method             nagios
debian 5       ppc       manual             3.2.0, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3
debian 5       i386      deb                3.0.6
ubuntu 10.04   i386,x64  deb, installer     3.2.0
fedora 14      i386,x64  rpm, installer     3.2.3
centos 5.5     i386      rpm, installer     3.2.3
opensuse 11.3  i386      rpm, installer     3.2.1
redhat 6       i386,x64  rpm, installer     3.2.3

The codebase looks like this:

lines  words  bytes
  267    948   6974 cgi/export.cgi
  182    623   4987 cgi/show.cgi
  515   1447  12093 cgi/showconfig.cgi
  206    669   5245 cgi/showgraph.cgi
  194    709   5063 cgi/showgroup.cgi
  188    643   4986 cgi/showhost.cgi
  189    667   5021 cgi/showservice.cgi
  172    727   5344 cgi/testcolor.cgi
 3233  13606 113742 etc/
   72    329   2162 lib/
 5218  20368 165617 total
    177   353  2791 share/nagiosgraph.css
   1473  5251 42421 share/nagiosgraph.js
      1     3    75 share/nagiosgraph.ssi
   1651  5607 45287 total
   37    120   1087 t/01required_modules.t
 4139  11033 123394 t/02ngshared.t
  173    462   6351 t/03defaults.t
  161    509   4222 t/04show.t
  803   1983  25545 t/05permissions.t
 2270   3342  45556 t/06rules.t
 1529   2885  32559 t/07perfdata.t
 2111   4229  47498 t/09plugins.t
  232    620   7383 t/10backward.t
   31     84   1002 t/97pod.t
   20     73    608 t/98podcoverage.t
   18     71    591 t/99kwalitee.t
11524  25411 295796 total
     32   163   879 etc/access.conf
     23    92   873 etc/datasetdb.conf
     63   249  2279 etc/groupdb.conf
     42   164  1446 etc/hostdb.conf
     92   255  1828 etc/labels.conf
    384  2291 15329 etc/nagiosgraph.conf
     52    81   793 etc/nagiosgraph_de.conf
     52    92   865 etc/nagiosgraph_es.conf
     52   102   935 etc/nagiosgraph_fr.conf
     20   119   660 etc/rrdopts.conf
     16    78   480 etc/servdb.conf
    256  1448  9863 etc/map
   1084  5134 36230 total


No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4

