Ubuntu22.04, g++ (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0, python3.10.12-64bits
Git commit message template with .stCommitMsg
big endian or little endian
ip 8-bits reverse
"CAIDA anonymized internet traces" no ethnet header, needed to cancel "fseek(pFile, 14, SEEK_CUR);"
change IO file path
const std::string PcapPath = "./traces/trace1.pcap";
const std::string OutputPath = "./INFO/pcap_result.txt";
const std::string OutTxtPath = "./INFO/trace.txt";
const std::string OutBPath = "./INFO/binary.dat";
const std::string LoadTestPath = "./INFO/loadTest.txt";
filePath = './INFO/loadTest.txt'
SaveFigPath = "./INFO/same3D_scatter.png"
SaveFigPath2 = "./INFO/plot5D.png"
filePath = './INFO/loadTest.txt'
SaveFigPath = "./INFO/same3D_scatter_lg.png"
SaveFigPath2 = "./INFO/plot5D_lg.png"
test.pcap: with ethernet, trace1.pcap: without ethernet
pcap_analysis.cpp will extract ipV4 on .pcap file, we do not consider ipV6
Create OutB file first! Otherwise, no binary file will be created
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
pip install pandas matplotlib numpy
check IO path
check library (ex: #include <arpa/inet.h>、#include <netinet/in.h> and python......)
check with ethernet, or without ethernet
run pcap_analysis.cpp first:
g++ "pcap_analysis.cpp" -o "pcap_analysis" && "./pcap_analysis"
- then run static.py and static_lg.py:
python3 static.py
python3 static_lg.py
- remeber we are only considering ipV4, your pcap file allows ipV6, but we won't extract it
pcap_analysis //
├─ .editorconfig //
├─ .gitattributes //
├─ .gitignore //
├─ .mailmap //
├─ .stCommitMsg //
├─ INFO //
│ ├─ loadTest.txt //
│ ├─ pcap_result.txt //
│ ├─ binary.dat //
│ ├─ same3D_scatter_lg.png //
│ ├─ same3D_scatter.png //
│ ├─ plot5D.png //
│ ├─ plot5D_lg.png //
│ └─ trace.txt //
├─ README.md //
├─ docs //
│ ├─ header.md //
│ └─ ipReverse.md //
├─ pcap_analysis.cpp //
├─ static.py //
├─ static_lg.py //
└─ traces //
├─ test.pcap //
└─ trace1.pcap //
MIT License