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Is that a Minecraft reference? - 1.20.0

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@JordanSantiagoYT JordanSantiagoYT released this 25 Feb 05:36
· 559 commits to main since this release

THE 20TH UPDATE - 1.20.0
The-.. wait im supposed to list the changes

Linux support is revived
Probably the best addition to this engine: Rendering Mode. Now instead of waiting 1 hour playing a song at 0.1 playback rate you can render the video instead! (You'll need FFmpeg for this though)
Rendered Notes is now separate from the botplay text and is now a toggleable option
Changed the FPS counter color indicators:
Yellow when your FPS is half of the expected framerate
Orange when your FPS is 1/3 of the expected framerate
And red when your FPS is 1/4 of the expected framerate
Added missing Freeplay search bar credits
All editors now have music and sound effects when you're doing nothing (The chart editor sound effects are toggleable so you don't go insane while charting)
Added a LOT of new botplay texts and some more tips
Characters can now have specific health drain amounts tied to them
Added an option to enable the garbage collector. It stops memory leaks for some reason (making the engine actually usable on higher framerates)