I'm currently honing my skills in software development. At the same time, I'm working on a 2D mini-game 🎮project in C++ and learning Qt and OpenCV on my own.
Don't go without seeing my top repositories. Your contributions are welcome and leave some stars💫 if possible. -
- I've mastered the basics of web development like HTML5, CSS3 with some of its frameworks(Bootstrap, Tailwind) and JavaScript (with DOM and ES6).
- I know how to write code in C++(Basics, SFML and STL) and in C. In fact that's the first language I learned 😎.
- I also know how to write queries with SQL (DDL, DML and DQL) and also NoSQL databases using MongoDB and Mongoose.
- I can also use Node.js to build server-side applications with Express.js especially (and even using some template engines like Handlebars and Pug for rendering pages).
- I've mastered the concept of OOP in C++ and JavaScript.
- I'm able to build frontend applications with React and Redux (mainly redux toolkit).
- I know how use TypeScript to create MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) apps.
- I can create React Apps with Next.js.
S/N: You can find more about all my skills by visiting my linkedin profile.
All that I need now is some experience 🌟. That's why I'm looking 🔍 for a remote paid internship as a junior software developer.
How to reach me: [email protected]
Fun facts🥳: I really love computer science and always liked discovering new things by disassembling🔧 electronic devices (so watch out for your devices🤭). 🎹📚 I also play piano and I like reading a lot.
- Edabit: https://edabit.com/user/X6cvktRthAp3xdGBw
- CodeWars: https://www.codewars.com/users/Josh012006
- Codingame: https://www.codingame.com/profile/6b5fb48d2ae5c775c85fb627283309be6978985
- Codecademy: https://www.codecademy.com/profiles/css4797044962
- HackerRank: https://www.hackerrank.com/profile/josuesmjr_mongan
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josu%C3%A9-mongan-a7b6242b8/
Personal website: https://josue-mongan.vercel.app/
Upwork: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~014b8554039621e5d3
You can find all my certificates and proofs on my Linkedin Profile page.