👋 Hi, I’m @JotaDeRodriguez
✏️ As a Designer and 3D Specialist, currently I'm exploring the intersection of programming and Design. My focus lies in automating and enhancing design processes using scripting, machine learning and AI, aiming to revolutionize standarized workflows in the fields of construction and architecture.
👀 My tinkering extends to computer vision, especially in Structure from Motion and Point Cloud analysis. Utilizing image recognition and machine learning algorithms, I strive to extract meaningful insights and semantic meaning from complex data.
🌱 Currently I'm learning advanced techniques in deep learning and neural networks, with a special focus on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). I’m also diving into various computer vision libraries and frameworks like OpenCV, Open3D, and more, to deepen my understanding and skills in this field.
💞️ I’m always looking to augment my skills in this areas. Keeping an eye out for emerging technolgies, and creative approaches to lauch projects.
🐍 Python
🏗️ Revit
📐 AutoCAD
🦏 Rhino
🦗 Grasshopper
📫 You can reach me under the handle JotaDeRodriguez in both Twitter and Discord.