A minimal application for uploading the Geiger Counter's current CPM values to gmcmap.com written in Rust.
- Only specify port, user ID and Geiger Counter ID – and you are good to go
- Minimal dependencies
- Easy to adapt to specifc needs or other models
- clap: for parsing command line arguments
- ureq: for performing the http GET request to gmcmap.com
- serialport: for interfacing with the GMC's serial port via USB
for your machine:
cargo build --release
for a different platform (e.g. 32 bit Linux) using cross:
cross build --target i686-unknown-linux-musl --release
gmc-logger --aid <AID> --gid <GID> --port <PORT>
-h, --help Prints help information
-a, --aid <AID> The gmcmap.com user account ID
-g, --gid <GID> The gmcmap.com Geiger Counter ID
-p, --port <PORT> The device path to a serial port, e. g. /dev/tty.USB0
Example: gmc-logger --port=/dev/ttyUSB0 --aid=12345 --gid=1234567890
Check out gq-gmc-control. It's a "Control tool for the GQ GMC Geiger Counters." written in Python.