Central hub for internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) of the Julia language project.
This organization aims to cover all things i18n and l10n in Julia (colloquially referred to as translation), including, but not limited to:
- The official Julia website and other relevant Julian websites, like the package listing website, blogs, etc.
- The official Julia documentation, open books and manuals, as well as other important sources of documentation such as StackOverflow Documentation, Learn Julia in Y minutes, and more, whenever and however possible.
- The documentation system in general, including the documentation of Julia packages.
- Transcripts, captions (subtitles), titles and descriptions for video lectures, video tutorials, podcasts, etc.
- And even the [i18n and l10n of the Julia language itself] (https://groups.google.com/d/topic/julia-dev/Vu6zyCPkkFs/discussion)!
If you happen to think Julia-i18n's objectives are not greedy enough, please submit an issue or pull request with your ungracious demands!
- Add and update references of this organization to the Julia website; see: JuliaLang/julialang.github.com/#438
- Create a logo; see Julia-i18n logo proposal and #5
- Create a new gitter chat room or transfer the messages from the old one into it.