The LocalSearchSolvers.jl framework proposes sets of technical components of Constraint-Based Local Search (CBLS) solvers and combine them in various ways. Make your own CBLS solver!
A higher-level JuMP interface is available as CBLS.jl and is the recommended way to use this package. A set of examples is available within ConstraintModels.jl.
This package makes use of several dependencies from the JuliaConstraints GitHub org:
- ConstraintDomains.jl: a domains back-end package for all JuliaConstraints front packages
- Constraints.jl: a constraints back-end package for all JuliaConstraints front packages
- CompositionalNetworks.jl: a module to learn error functions automatically given a concept
- Garamon.jl (incoming): geometrical constraints
It also relies on great packages from the julialang ecosystem, among others,
- ModernGraphs.jl (incoming): a dynamic multilayer framework for complex graphs which allows a fine exploration of entangled neighborhoods
- JuMP.jl: a rich interface for optimization solvers
- CBLS.jl: the actual interface with JuMP for
- ConstraintModels.jl: a dataset of models for Constraint Programming
- COPInstances.jl (incoming): a package to store, download, and generate combinatorial optimization instances
Wanted features list:
- Strategies
- Move: local move, permutation between
variables - Neighbor: simple or multiplexed neighborhood, dimension/depth
- Objective(s): single/multiple objectives, Pareto, etc.
- Parallel: distributed and multi-threaded, HPC clusters
- Perturbation: dynamic, restart, pool of solutions
- Portfolio: portfolio of solvers, partition in sub-problems
- Restart
- restart sequence
- partial/probabilistic restart (in coordination with perturbation strategies)
- Selection of variables: roulette selection, multi-variables, meta-variables (cf subproblem)
- Solution(s): management of pool, best versus diverse
- Tabu
- No Tabu
- Weak-tabu
- Keen-tabu
- Termination: when, why, how, interactive, results storage (remote)
- Move: local move, permutation between
- Featured strategies
- Adaptive search
- Extremal optimization
- Others
- Resolution of problems
- SATisfaction
- OPTimisation (single-objective)
- OPTimisation (multiple-objective)
- Dynamic problems
- Domains
- Discrete domains (any type of numbers)
- Continuous domains
- Arbitrary Objects such as physical ones
- Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
- Straight Julia
- JuMPish | MathOptInterface.jl
- MiniZinc
- OR-tools ?
- Straight Julia
- Learning settings (To be incorporated in MetaStrategist.jl)
- Compositional Networks (error functions, cost functions)
- Reinforcement learning for above mentioned learning features
- Automatic benchmarking and learning from all the possible parameter combination (instance, model, solver, size, restart, hardware, etc.)
- Resolution of problems
Contributions to this package are more than welcome and can be arbitrarily, and not exhaustively, split as follows:
- All features mentioned above
- Adding new constraints and symmetries
- Adding new problems and instances
- Adding new ICNs to learn error of existing constraints
- Creating other compositional networks which target other kind of constraints
- Just making stuff better, faster, user-friendlier, etc.
Do not hesitate to contact me (@azzaare) or other members of JuliaConstraints on GitHub (file an issue), the julialang Discourse forum, the julialang Slack workspace, the julialang Zulip server (Constraint Programming stream), or the Humans of Julia Humans-of-Julia discord server(julia-constraint channel).