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Awesome Spectral Indices

A ready-to-use curated list of Spectral Indices for Remote Sensing applications.

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Spectral Indices

Spectral Indices are widely used in the Remote Sensing community. This repository keeps track of classical as well as novel spectral indices for different Remote Sensing applications. All spectral indices in the repository are curated and can be used in different environments and programming languages. You can check the curated list of spectral indices here, and if you want to use it in your environment, it is available in CSV and JSON.


All spectral indices follow a standard. Each item of the list has the following attributes:

  • short_name: Short name of the index (e.g. "NDWI").
  • long_name: Long name of the index (e.g. "Normalized Difference Water Index").
  • formula: Expression/formula of the index (e.g. "(G - N)/(G + N)").
  • bands: List of required bands/parameters for the index computation (e.g. ["N","G"]).
  • platforms: List of platforms with the required bands for the index computation (e.g. ["MODIS", "Landsat-457", "Landsat-89", "Sentinel-2"]).
  • reference: Link to the index reference/paper/doi (e.g. "").
  • application_domain: Application domain of the index (e.g. "water").
  • date_of_addition: Date of addition to the list (e.g. "2021-04-07").
  • contributor: GitHub user link of the contributor (e.g. "").


The formula of the index is presented as a string/expression (e.g. "(N - R)/(N + R)") that can be easily evaluated. The parameters used in the expression for each index follow this standard:

Description Standard Spectral Range (nm) Sentinel-2 Landsat-89 Landsat-457 MODIS
Aerosols A 400 - 455 B1 B1
Blue B 450 - 530 B2 B2 B1 B3
Green 1 G1 510 - 550 B11
Green G 510 - 600 B3 B3 B2 B4
Yellow Y 585 - 625
Red R 620 - 690 B4 B4 B3 B1
Red Edge 1 RE1 695 - 715 B5
Red Edge 2 RE2 730 - 750 B6
Red Edge 3 RE3 765 - 795 B7
NIR N 760 - 900 B8 B5 B4 B2
NIR 2 N2 850 - 880 B8A
Water Vapour WV 930 - 960 B9
SWIR 1 S1 1550 - 1750 B11 B6 B5 B6
SWIR 2 S2 2080 - 2350 B12 B7 B7 B7
Thermal T 10400 - 12500 B6
Thermal 1 T1 10600 - 11190 B10
Thermal 2 T2 11500 - 12510 B11

In the case of RADAR Indices, the bands follow this standard:

Description Standard Sentinel-1
Backscattering Coefficient HV HV HV
Backscattering Coefficient VH VH VH
Backscattering Coefficient HH HH HH
Backscattering Coefficient VV VV VV

Additional index parameters also follow a standard:

  • g: Gain factor (e.g. Used for EVI).
  • L: Canopy background adjustment (e.g. Used for SAVI and EVI).
  • C1: Coefficient 1 for the aerosol resistance term (e.g. Used for EVI).
  • C2: Coefficient 2 for the aerosol resistance term (e.g. Used for EVI).
  • cexp: Exponent used for OCVI.
  • nexp: Exponent used for GDVI.
  • alpha: Weighting coefficient used for WDRVI, BWDRVI and NDPI.
  • beta: Calibration parameter used for NDSIns.
  • gamma: Weighting coefficient used for ARVI.
  • omega: Weighting coefficient used for MBWI.
  • sla: Soil line slope.
  • slb: Soil line intercept.
  • PAR: Photosynthetically Active Radiation.
  • k: Slope parameter by soil used for NIRvH2.
  • lambdaN: NIR wavelength used for NIRvH2 and NDGI.
  • lambdaR: Red wavelength used for NIRvH2 and NDGI.
  • lambdaG: Green wavelength used for NDGI.

The kernel indices are constructed using a special type of parameters:

  • kAB: Kernel of bands/parameters A and B (e.g. kNR means k(N,R), where k is the kernel function).
  • p: Kernel degree (used for the polynomial kernel).
  • c: Free parameter that trades off the influence of higher-order versus lower-order terms (used for the polynomial kernel).

Call for Indices! 🚨

Researchers that have published (or aim to publish) their novel spectral indices are encouraged to add them to this repository! The list of spectral indices is used as a source for different resources that allow spectral indices computation in different environments (such as Python and Google Earth Engine). To add an index, please follow the Contribution Guidelines.

In the same line, if you know an spectral index that is not included in this repository, you are encouraged to add it! Please follow the Contribution Guidelines in order to add it.

And one more thing: If you see an error in one or several indices, please report it or update the index (indices) by following the Contribution Guidelines!

There is no deadline. The repository is continuously updated!

Used by


  • spectral: Awesome Spectral Indices for the Google Earth Engine JavaScript API (Code Editor).


  • eemont: A Python package that extends Google Earth Engine.
  • eeExtra: A Python package that unifies the Google Earth Engine ecosystem.
  • Espectro: The Awesome Spectral Indices Streamlit App.
  • spyndex: Awesome Spectral Indices in Python.


  • rgeeExtra: High-level functions to process spatial and simple Earth Engine objects.

Spectral Indices by Application Domain


AFRI1600: Aerosol Free Vegetation Index (1600 nm). MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
AFRI2100: Aerosol Free Vegetation Index (2100 nm). MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
ARI: Anthocyanin Reflectance Index. Sentinel-2
ARI2: Anthocyanin Reflectance Index 2. Sentinel-2
ARVI: Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
ATSAVI: Adjusted Transformed Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
AVI: Advanced Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
BCC: Blue Chromatic Coordinate. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
BNDVI: Blue Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
BWDRVI: Blue Wide Dynamic Range Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
CCI: Chlorophyll Carotenoid Index. MODIS
CIG: Chlorophyll Index Green. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
CIRE: Chlorophyll Index Red Edge. Sentinel-2
CVI: Chlorophyll Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
DSI: Drought Stress Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
DSWI1: Disease-Water Stress Index 1. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
DSWI2: Disease-Water Stress Index 2. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
DSWI3: Disease-Water Stress Index 3. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
DSWI4: Disease-Water Stress Index 4. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
DSWI5: Disease-Water Stress Index 5. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
DVI: Difference Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
DVIplus: Difference Vegetation Index Plus. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
EBI: Enhanced Bloom Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
EVI: Enhanced Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
EVI2: Two-Band Enhanced Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
ExG: Excess Green Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
ExGR: ExG - ExR Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
ExR: Excess Red Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
FCVI: Fluorescence Correction Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
GARI: Green Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
GBNDVI: Green-Blue Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
GCC: Green Chromatic Coordinate. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
GDVI: Generalized Difference Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
GEMI: Global Environment Monitoring Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
GLI: Green Leaf Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
GM1: Gitelson and Merzlyak Index 1. Sentinel-2
GM2: Gitelson and Merzlyak Index 2. Sentinel-2
GNDVI: Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
GOSAVI: Green Optimized Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
GRNDVI: Green-Red Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
GRVI: Green Ratio Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
GSAVI: Green Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
GVMI: Global Vegetation Moisture Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
IAVI: New Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
IKAW: Kawashima Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
IPVI: Infrared Percentage Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
IRECI: Inverted Red-Edge Chlorophyll Index. Sentinel-2
MCARI: Modified Chlorophyll Absorption in Reflectance Index. Sentinel-2
MCARI1: Modified Chlorophyll Absorption in Reflectance Index 1. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
MCARI2: Modified Chlorophyll Absorption in Reflectance Index 2. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
MCARI705: Modified Chlorophyll Absorption in Reflectance Index (705 and 750 nm). Sentinel-2
MCARIOSAVI705: MCARI/OSAVI Ratio (705 and 750 nm). Sentinel-2
MGRVI: Modified Green Red Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
MNDVI: Modified Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
MNLI: Modified Non-Linear Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
MRBVI: Modified Red Blue Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
MSAVI: Modified Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
MSI: Moisture Stress Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
MSR: Modified Simple Ratio. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
MSR705: Modified Simple Ratio (705 and 750 nm). Sentinel-2
MTCI: MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index. Sentinel-2
MTVI1: Modified Triangular Vegetation Index 1. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
MTVI2: Modified Triangular Vegetation Index 2. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
mND705: Modified Normalized Difference (705, 750 and 445 nm). Sentinel-2
mSR705: Modified Simple Ratio (705 and 445 nm). Sentinel-2
ND705: Normalized Difference (705 and 750 nm). Sentinel-2
NDDI: Normalized Difference Drought Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
NDGI: Normalized Difference Greenness Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
NDII: Normalized Difference Infrared Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NDMI: Normalized Difference Moisture Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NDPI: Normalized Difference Phenology Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NDREI: Normalized Difference Red Edge Index. Sentinel-2
NDVI: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
NDVI705: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (705 and 750 nm). Sentinel-2
NDYI: Normalized Difference Yellowness Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
NGRDI: Normalized Green Red Difference Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
NIRv: Near-Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
NIRvH2: Hyperspectral Near-Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
NIRvP: Near-Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation and Incoming PAR. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
NLI: Non-Linear Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
NMDI: Normalized Multi-band Drought Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NRFIg: Normalized Rapeseed Flowering Index Green. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NRFIr: Normalized Rapeseed Flowering Index Red. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NormG: Normalized Green. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
NormNIR: Normalized NIR. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
NormR: Normalized Red. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
OCVI: Optimized Chlorophyll Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
OSAVI: Optimized Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
PSRI: Plant Senescing Reflectance Index. Sentinel-2
RCC: Red Chromatic Coordinate. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
RDVI: Renormalized Difference Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
REDSI: Red-Edge Disease Stress Index. Sentinel-2
RENDVI: Red Edge Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. Sentinel-2
RGBVI: Red Green Blue Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
RGRI: Red-Green Ratio Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
RI: Redness Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
RVI: Ratio Vegetation Index. Sentinel-2
S2REP: Sentinel-2 Red-Edge Position. Sentinel-2
SARVI: Soil Adjusted and Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
SAVI: Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
SAVI2: Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index 2. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
SEVI: Shadow-Eliminated Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
SI: Shadow Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
SIPI: Structure Insensitive Pigment Index. Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
SLAVI: Specific Leaf Area Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
SR: Simple Ratio. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
SR2: Simple Ratio (800 and 550 nm). MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
SR3: Simple Ratio (860, 550 and 708 nm). Sentinel-2
SR555: Simple Ratio (555 and 750 nm). Sentinel-2
SR705: Simple Ratio (705 and 750 nm). Sentinel-2
SeLI: Sentinel-2 LAI Green Index. Sentinel-2
TCARI: Transformed Chlorophyll Absorption in Reflectance Index. Sentinel-2
TCARIOSAVI705: TCARI/OSAVI Ratio (705 and 750 nm). Sentinel-2
TCI: Triangular Chlorophyll Index. Sentinel-2
TDVI: Transformed Difference Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
TGI: Triangular Greenness Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
TRRVI: Transformed Red Range Vegetation Index. Sentinel-2
TSAVI: Transformed Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
TTVI: Transformed Triangular Vegetation Index. Sentinel-2
TVI: Transformed Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
TriVI: Triangular Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
VARI: Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
VARI700: Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index (700 nm). Sentinel-2
VI700: Vegetation Index (700 nm). Sentinel-2
VIG: Vegetation Index Green. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
WDRVI: Wide Dynamic Range Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
WDVI: Weighted Difference Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion


ANDWI: Augmented Normalized Difference Water Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
AWEInsh: Automated Water Extraction Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
AWEIsh: Automated Water Extraction Index with Shadows Elimination. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
LSWI: Land Surface Water Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
MBWI: Multi-Band Water Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
MLSWI26: Modified Land Surface Water Index (MODIS Bands 2 and 6). MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
MLSWI27: Modified Land Surface Water Index (MODIS Bands 2 and 7). MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
MNDWI: Modified Normalized Difference Water Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
MuWIR: Revised Multi-Spectral Water Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NDCI: Normalized Difference Chlorophyll Index. Sentinel-2
NDPonI: Normalized Difference Pond Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NDTI: Normalized Difference Turbidity Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
NDVIMNDWI: NDVI-MNDWI Model. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NDWI: Normalized Difference Water Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
NDWIns: Normalized Difference Water Index with no Snow Cover and Glaciers. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
NWI: New Water Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
S2WI: Sentinel-2 Water Index. Sentinel-2
SWM: Sentinel Water Mask. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
TWI: Triangle Water Index. Sentinel-2
WI1: Water Index 1. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
WI2: Water Index 2. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
WI2015: Water Index 2015. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
WRI: Water Ratio Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2


BAI: Burned Area Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
BAIM: Burned Area Index adapted to MODIS. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
BAIS2: Burned Area Index for Sentinel 2. Sentinel-2
CSI: Char Soil Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
CSIT: Char Soil Index Thermal. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+
MIRBI: Mid-Infrared Burn Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NBR: Normalized Burn Ratio. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NBR2: Normalized Burn Ratio 2. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NBRSWIR: Normalized Burn Ratio SWIR. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NBRT1: Normalized Burn Ratio Thermal 1. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+
NBRT2: Normalized Burn Ratio Thermal 2. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+
NBRT3: Normalized Burn Ratio Thermal 3. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+
NBRplus: Normalized Burn Ratio Plus. Sentinel-2
NDSWIR: Normalized Difference SWIR. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NDVIT: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Thermal. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+
NSTv1: NIR-SWIR-Temperature Version 1. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+
NSTv2: NIR-SWIR-Temperature Version 2. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+
SAVIT: Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index Thermal. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+
VI6T: VI6T Index. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+


NBSIMS: Non-Binary Snow Index for Multi-Component Surfaces. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NDGlaI: Normalized Difference Glacier Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
NDSI: Normalized Difference Snow Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NDSII: Normalized Difference Snow Ice Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
NDSInw: Normalized Difference Snow Index with no Water. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NDSaII: Normalized Difference Snow and Ice Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
S3: S3 Snow Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
SWI: Snow Water Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2


BLFEI: Built-Up Land Features Extraction Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
BRBA: Band Ratio for Built-up Area. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
DBI: Dry Built-Up Index. Landsat-OLI
EBBI: Enhanced Built-Up and Bareness Index. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+
IBI: Index-Based Built-Up Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NBAI: Normalized Built-up Area Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NBUI: New Built-Up Index. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+
NDBI: Normalized Difference Built-Up Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NDISIb: Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index Blue. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+
NDISIg: Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index Green. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+
NDISImndwi: Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index with MNDWI. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+
NDISIndwi: Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index with NDWI. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+
NDISIr: Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index Red. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+
NHFD: Non-Homogeneous Feature Difference. Sentinel-2
PISI: Perpendicular Impervious Surface Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
UI: Urban Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
VIBI: Vegetation Index Built-up Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
VgNIRBI: Visible Green-Based Built-Up Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
VrNIRBI: Visible Red-Based Built-Up Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion


BI: Bare Soil Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
BITM: Landsat TM-based Brightness Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
BIXS: SPOT HRV XS-based Brightness Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
BaI: Bareness Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
DBSI: Dry Bareness Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
EMBI: Enhanced Modified Bare Soil Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
MBI: Modified Bare Soil Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NBLI: Normalized Difference Bare Land Index. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+
NBLIOLI: Normalized Difference Bare Land Index for Landsat-OLI. Landsat-OLI
NDBaI: Normalized Difference Bareness Index. Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+
NDSIWV: WorldView Normalized Difference Soil Index.
NDSoI: Normalized Difference Soil Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NSDS: Normalized Shortwave Infrared Difference Soil-Moisture. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NSDSI1: Normalized Shortwave-Infrared Difference Bare Soil Moisture Index 1. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NSDSI2: Normalized Shortwave-Infrared Difference Bare Soil Moisture Index 2. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
NSDSI3: Normalized Shortwave-Infrared Difference Bare Soil Moisture Index 3. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2
RI4XS: SPOT HRV XS-based Redness Index 4. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion


kEVI: Kernel Enhanced Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
kIPVI: Kernel Infrared Percentage Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
kNDVI: Kernel Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
kRVI: Kernel Ratio Vegetation Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion
kVARI: Kernel Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index. MODIS Landsat-TM Landsat-ETM+ Landsat-OLI Sentinel-2 Planet-Fusion


DPDD: Dual-Pol Diagonal Distance. (Dual Polarisation VV-VH)
DpRVIHH: Dual-Polarized Radar Vegetation Index HH. (Dual Polarisation HH-HV)
DpRVIVV: Dual-Polarized Radar Vegetation Index VV. (Dual Polarisation VV-VH)
NDPolI: Normalized Difference Polarization Index. (Dual Polarisation VV-VH)
QpRVI: Quad-Polarized Radar Vegetation Index.
RFDI: Radar Forest Degradation Index. (Dual Polarisation HH-HV)
VDDPI: Vertical Dual De-Polarization Index. (Dual Polarisation VV-VH)
VHVVD: VH-VV Difference. (Dual Polarisation VV-VH)
VHVVP: VH-VV Product. (Dual Polarisation VV-VH)
VHVVR: VH-VV Ratio. (Dual Polarisation VV-VH)
VVVHD: VV-VH Difference. (Dual Polarisation VV-VH)
VVVHR: VV-VH Ratio. (Dual Polarisation VV-VH)
VVVHS: VV-VH Sum. (Dual Polarisation VV-VH)


Check the full list of spectral indices with their formulas here.

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A ready-to-use curated list of Spectral Indices for Remote Sensing applications.







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