- An API that powers the liveup web application that enables doctors to track patient prescriptions, avoid redundancy and manual processes.
- Watch the demo youtube
- Clone this repository
- Create .env with the following variables
DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS=<separated by space>
CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=<separated by space>
- Prep
as described below - Run
docker compose build
- Run
docker compose up
- Visit or
- Run
pip install -R requirements.txt
in your virtual environment - Run
python manage.py runserver
- Visit , or
- Swagger docs- https://nehe-liveup-api.herokuapp.com/api/v1/swagger/
- Redoc - https://nehe-liveup-api.herokuapp.com/api/v1/redoc/
- Each of the links point to the deployed app on heroku, I do not know how long it'll be up
- Login with email and password.
- App User Regisration (Only admins can register receptionists, doctors, nurses, student clinicians, create wards, and perform other admin related work in the admin panel).
- Receptionist can register patients, view and edit their details
- Receptionist can refer a patient to a clinician. Only for patients they have registered.
- A Receptionist can look up past referrals (history) of patient and edit them. They can see history of patients registered by other receptionists too but can only edit a referral they made.
- App users can change their names and password.
- Forgot password.
- Clinicians(doctors, nurses, student doctors, etc) can view patients referred to them
- Clinicians can view patient details and record prescriptions
- Clinicians can admit a patient to a particular ward
- Clinicians can view a patient's history (past admissions and prescriptions made by them and other clinicians). Can only edit an admission and prescription they made.
- Statistics. Number of patients registered, number of referrals made by all receptionists or a particular receptionist including for the current day, number of patients admitted, number of prescriptions recorded, number of referrals made, to all doctors or a particular doctor including that for the current day,
- Pagination
- Python
- Django
- Django Rest Framework
- PostgreSQL
- Django-Heroku
- Find the admin panel at or https://nehe-liveup-api.herokuapp.com/admin
- Ensure to create a super user to be able to test locally
- Run
python manage.py load db.json
to initialize the database with users, wards, admissions, referrals, patients and prescriptions.