Data and Code for paper Improving Few-Shot Text-to-SQL with Meta Self-Training via Column Specificity is available for research purposes.
- python 3.7.11
- pytorch 1.8.1
- transformers 4.5.0
- torch_scatter 2.0.7
- records
- babel
- tabulate
In our experiments, we used WikiSQL, ESQL as benchmarks, and WikiTableQuestions as semi-supervised data. All of which can be downloaded by here. After obtaining the data, make a new file named "data" in root directory, and put the data into that file.
Execute the following command for training ST-SQL on WikiSQL.
python --conf conf/wikisql.conf
Put the Chinese version of RoBERTa in the appropriate directory and modify the settings in Execute the following command for training ST-SQL on ESQL.
python --conf conf/esql.conf
The pre-training model can be changed following the weight_name in If you want to train the model on few-shot or zero-shot setting, the data path and some parameters mentioned in our paper need to be changed as well.
If you want to test the model with Execution Guiding(EG), and use Logical Form accuracy(LF) and Execution accuracy(EX), use following command after modifying some parameters in the code.
If you want to test fast without EG and EX, run following command.