The purpose of this application was to work with CRUD operations and data fetching. I opted to use the fetch method instead of React Query due to the application's small size; I believed that more advanced operations and data caching were unnecessary. My goal was to practice working with raw JSON data. I defined all application screens using react-router-dom for routing. SCSS mixins were used to manage screen sizes and improve responsive design. TypeScript was used extensively for type safety. I also decided integrated the MUI/Material-UI library to incorporate a sleek search field functionality.
You can try it live, deployed on vercel:
React Pokemons is a web application that allows users to view and explore Pokémon data fetched from the PokeAPI. Users can also check details of individual Pokémon and add them to their favorites. This project is designed to demonstrate the use of RESTful APIs, React, and TypeScript.
- View a list of Pokémon
- Search for Pokémon by name
- View detailed information about individual Pokémon
- Add Pokémon to favorites
- Remove Pokémon from favorites
This project is built with the following technologies:
- React.js (libs like: react-router-dom, react-paginate, react-hot-toast)
- TypeScript
- Mui/material library
- PokeAPI (
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps:
- Node.js and npm installed on your machine
git clone
cd react_pokemons
npm install
npm start
Enjoy the code.