go backend for からつばLABS' project takoyaki - the vps platform. takoyaki backend is a go api server that comes with a cli to do some administrative tasks like approve/decline vps requests.
To be able to run the stack, docker and docker-compose are required. Consult the relevant documentation based on your system on how to get these set up.
First, make your own copy of .env
by copying the provided dotenv.example
$ cp dotenv.example .env
takoyaki-pipe, the systemd service that executes libvirt commands for the takoyaki container must also be installed and ran:
$ cd takoyaki-pipe
$ make install
$ systemctl enable takoyaki-pipe
$ systemctl start takoyaki-pipe
Now create the named pipe file if it hasn't been done before (will automate this step later)
$ mkfifo /var/lib/docker/volumes/takoyaki-backend_api-pipe/_data/pipe
Now start the containers (this basically just runs docker-compose up):
$ ./scripts/init
and migrate the database
$ ./scripts/takocli db migrate
To stop the stack, simply run
$ ./scripts/stop
or to purge the entire stack (deletes db data and vms), run:
$ ./scripts/purge
- database initialization migration (+ shell interface to init db)
- validation for requests (as a middleware if possible)
- possibly error middleware
- figure out where to put temp files (cidata.iso etc) for when creating vps
- jwt auth
- look at database transactions (+ are they really needed)
- write the routes
- allow optional args when configuring vps (ie ssh key)
add tests? (might be overkill + annoying) - get progress of creating vps to show to frontend (possibly)
- snapshot requests
- look into using RLS
- return ip address and state of vm as well in vps info endpoint + look into vm networking
- execute vm commands on host
- refactor project into multiple modules
- rewrite api
- move virt specific commands to host side executable
- vps status
- use proper go project structure with cmd/ and pkg/ dirs