---👋 Hi there, I’m @Katswcode. I’m an Electronics Engineering student that finished all the subjects.
---🌱 I have knowledge in:
PCB Design using tools like KiCad, Altium and Proteus.
Microprocessors & Microcontrollers like STM32, Arduino UNO, and ESP32.
Networking configurations with tools such as Cisco Packet Tracer.
Robotics and Simulation using CAD and virtual environments.
⚡ I’m about to complete my Electronics Engineering degree (4+ years).
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate with others who share similar interests and passions.
🌍 Languages
Native: Spanish 🇪🇸
English: Advanced (Certified by ILSC, Sydney, Australia 🇦🇺).
🤝 Let’s Connect
💼 LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/juan-sebastian-herran-paez-36443b267
🛠️ Software Skills
Here are the tools and technologies I have experience with:
Programming Languages
Frameworks & Libraries
Electronics Design & Simulation
Networking & Protocol Analysis
Software Development & Frameworks
Virtualization Tools
Other Tools