This repo is the mid-term assignment of Tsinghua University OOP course.
- Placeholder.
- Constant.
- Variable
- Other (intermediate or output) nodes.
- Data type = float (4 decimal digits when output). Shape = scalar.
- Each node has its own name.
- Value assignment:
Placeholder is assigned when EVAL nodes;
Constant is assigned when building the graph and never changes;
Variable is assigned when building the graph but can be changed by SET commands (see B.4.);
Other nodes are not assigned but get their value by evaluation (using EVAL command).
- Construct and EVAL the graph
3 // the number of Placeholders, Constants and Variables
x P // x is a Placeholder
y V 1.0 // y is a Variable with initial value 1.0
z C 3.0 // z is a constant with constant value 3.0
4 // the number of other nodes
a = x + y // [name] = [the formula to get its value]
b = SIN z // the math functions will be described below
res = a * b // the name of a
2 // the number of the nodes to evaluate
EVAL x 1 x 1.0 // EVAL [name] [the number of placeholder value assignment] [name1] [value1] [name2] [value2] ...
EVAL b 0
// output:
// 1.0000
// 0.1411
Math functions
a. Plus(+), minus(-), multiply(*), divide(/). This needs to be implemented by overloading.
c. Comparations >, <, >=, <=, ==. Returns 1.0 if true, else 0.0.
*Note: Needs to output error info when division by 0 and log(x<=0) -
PRINT [name]
Sets a flag. When evaluating, the corresponding node will output its value.
x C 3.0
a = x // Same as a = x, but when evaluating, node c will output its value.
EVAL a 0
// output:
// Print Operator: x=3.0
// 3.0000
- SET commands
a. SETCONSTANT [v] [n]: changes v's value into n.
b. SETANSWER [v] [i]: sets v's value as the ith operation's result.
x P
y V 1.0
res = x + y
SETCONSTANT y 3.0 // 1st operation: y = 3.0
EVAL res 1 x 2.0 // 2nd operation: outputs 5.0000
SETANSWER y 2 // 3rd operation: y = 5.0
EVAL res 1 x 2.0 // 4th operation: outputs 7.0000
- Condition statement
COND [condition] [return1] [return2]
If condition > 0, returns return1; else, returns return2.
Example:res = COND b a c
(If b > 0, res = a; else, res = b)
- Use OOP.
- Output Error information for (1) division by zero (2) Placeholder missing
- Show Error information for (1) Division b zero (2) log nonpositive (3) Placeholder missing (needs more input to get output).
- High efficiency. When computing large graph, avoid computing unchanged nodes more than one time.
- Reusable for later cross development.