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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

バグ報告 - bugs
バグ報告 - bugs
Something isn't working
修正済み - didfix
修正済み - didfix
It has already been fixed.
ドキュメント・説明文 - documentation
ドキュメント・説明文 - documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
重複 - duplicate
重複 - duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
改善提案 - enhancement
改善提案 - enhancement
New feature or request
初心者歓迎 - good first issue
初心者歓迎 - good first issue
Good for newcomers
誰か助けて - help wanted
誰か助けて - help wanted
Extra attention is needed
間違い・勘違い・実現不可能 - invalid
間違い・勘違い・実現不可能 - invalid
This doesn't seem right
質問 - questions
質問 - questions
Further information is requested
対応しない - wontfix
対応しない - wontfix
This will not be worked on
Pull requests that update a dependency file