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Automatically exposes web services over HTTP to search for Entity-related data using a powerful query language


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Weedow Searchy

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Searchy is a Spring-based library that allows to automatically expose endpoints in order to search for data related to Entities, whatever the database used.

Searchy provides an advanced search engine that does not require the creation of Repositories with custom methods needed to search on different fields of Entities.

We can search on any field, combine multiple criteria to refine the search, and even search on nested fields.

It supports the following data access layers:

Query GIF

Why use Searchy?

Spring Data Rest builds on top of the Spring Data repositories and automatically exports those as REST resources.

  • Each time we need to search with different criteria, we will have to add new methods (findByFirstName, findByFirstAndLastName, ...).
  • If we need to make more complex queries or handle specific fetch joins, we use the @Query annotation which takes as attribute a String representing the query to be executed. This String is written in the language supported by the data access layer (JPQL, SQL, Mongo JSON ...).

Here is an JPA example:

public interface PersonRepository extends Repository<Person, Long> {
    List<Person> findAll();
    List<Person> findByLastName(@Param("name") String name);
    @Query("SELECT p FROM Person " +
           "LEFT JOIN FETCH p.addressEntities a " +
           "WHERE p.lastName='Doe' AND'Paris'")
    List<Person> findPersonsWithAddresses();

We realize that we cannot be exhaustive in order to search for Person entities whatever the search criteria: a single field, nested fields, multiple fields, AND/OR conjunctions...
We also realize that each time we use @Query, we add a dependency to the data access layer since we write the query string in the language of the database we are querying. This can sometimes make it tedious to migrate to another type of database.
All this requires adding more code, releasing new versions ...

Searchy allows to easily expose an endpoint for an Entity and thus be able to search on any fields of this entity, combine several criteria and even search on fields belonging to sub-entities.

Let's say you manage Persons associated with Addresses, Vehicles and a Job.
You want to allow customers to search for them, regardless of the search criteria:

  • Search for Persons whose first name is "John" or "Jane"
  • Search for Persons whose company where they work is "Acme", and own a car or a motorbike
  • Search for Persons who live in London

Searchy allows you to perform all these searches with a minimum configuration, without the need of a custom Repository.
If you want to do other different searches, you do not need to add code to do that. The library provides a query language that allows to create queries on any field of the entity and sub-entities, and agnostic queries regarding the database used.


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Built with:

Getting Started


  • JDK 11 or more.
  • Spring Boot


GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases) Downloads Maven Central

  • You can download the latest release.
  • If you have a Maven project, you can add the following dependency in your pom.xml file:
    • JPA:
    • MongoDB:
  • If you have a Gradle project, you can add the following dependency in your build.gradle file:
    • JPA:
    implementation "com.weedow:weedow-searchy-jpa:0.1.0"
    • MongoDB:
    implementation "com.weedow:weedow-searchy-mongodb:0.1.0"

Getting Started in 5 minutes

  • Go to
  • Generate a new Java project sample-app-java with the following dependencies:
    • Spring Web
    • Spring Data JPA
    • H2 Database
  • Update the generated project by adding the dependency of Searchy:
    • For Maven project, add the dependency in the pom.xml file:
    • For Gradle project, add the dependency in the build.gradle file:
    implementation "com.weedow:weedow-searchy-jpa:0.1.0"
  • Create a new file to add a new JPA Entity Person with the following content:
    import javax.persistence.*;
    import java.time.LocalDateTime;
    import java.util.Set;
    public class Person {
        private Long id;
        @Column(nullable = false)
        private String firstName;
        @Column(nullable = false)
        private String lastName;
        @Column(unique = true, length = 100)
        private String email;
        private LocalDateTime birthday;
        private Double height;
        private Double weight;
        @ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
        private Set<String> nickNames;
        @CollectionTable(name = "person_phone_numbers", joinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "person_id")})
        @Column(name = "phone_number")
        private Set<String> phoneNumbers;
        public Long getId() {
            return id;
        public Person setId(Long id) {
   = id;
            return this;
        public String getFirstName() {
            return firstName;
        public String getLastName() {
            return lastName;
        public String getEmail() {
            return email;
        public LocalDateTime getBirthday() {
            return birthday;
        public Double getHeight() {
            return height;
        public Double getWeight() {
            return weight;
        public Set<String> getNickNames() {
            return nickNames;
        public Person setNickNames(Set<String> nickNames) {
            this.nickNames = nickNames;
            return this;
        public Set<String> getPhoneNumbers() {
            return phoneNumbers;
        public Person setPhoneNumbers(Set<String> phoneNumbers) {
            this.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;
            return this;
        public boolean equals(Object object) {
            if (this == object) {
                return true;
            if (object == null || getClass() != object.getClass()) {
                return false;
            if (!super.equals(object)) {
                return false;
            Person person = (Person) object;
            if (!firstName.equals(person.firstName)) {
                return false;
            if (!lastName.equals(person.lastName)) {
                return false;
            return true;
        public int hashCode() {
            int result = super.hashCode();
            result = 31 * result + firstName.hashCode();
            result = 31 * result + lastName.hashCode();
            return result;
  • Add the following Configuration class to add a new SearchyDescriptor:
    import com.example.sampleappjava.entity.Person;
    import com.weedow.searchy.config.SearchyConfigurer;
    import com.weedow.searchy.descriptor.SearchyDescriptor;
    import com.weedow.searchy.descriptor.SearchyDescriptorBuilder;
    import com.weedow.searchy.descriptor.SearchyDescriptorRegistry;
    import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
    public class SampleAppJavaConfiguration implements SearchyConfigurer {
        public void addSearchyDescriptors(SearchyDescriptorRegistry registry) {
        private SearchyDescriptor<Person> personSearchyDescriptor() {
            return new SearchyDescriptorBuilder<Person>(Person.class).build();
  • Create a new file data.sql in /src/main/resources, and add the following content:
    INSERT INTO PERSON (id, first_name, last_name, email, birthday, height, weight)
        VALUES (1, 'John', 'Doe', '[email protected]', '1981-03-12 10:36:00', 174.0, 70.5);
    INSERT INTO PERSON (id, first_name, last_name, email, birthday, height, weight)
        VALUES (2, 'Jane', 'Doe', '[email protected]', '1981-11-26 12:30:00', 165.0, 68.0);
    INSERT INTO PERSON_PHONE_NUMBERS (person_id, phone_number) VALUES (1, '+33612345678');
    INSERT INTO PERSON_PHONE_NUMBERS (person_id, phone_number) VALUES (2, '+33687654321');
    INSERT INTO PERSON_NICK_NAMES (person_id, nick_names) VALUES (1, 'Johnny');
    INSERT INTO PERSON_NICK_NAMES (person_id, nick_names) VALUES (1, 'Joe');
  • Run the application:
    • For Maven Project: ./mvnw spring-boot:run
    • For Gradle Project: ./gradlew bootRun
    • From your IDE: Run the Main Class com.example.sampleappjava.SampleAppJavaApplication
  • Open your browser and go to the URL http://localhost:8080/search/person find-all-persons
  • You can filter the results by adding query parameters representing the Entity fields:
    Here is an example where the results are filtered by the first name: find-person-by-firstname


The examples in this section are based on the following entity model:

The Entity has relationships with the Entity, the Entity and the Entity. Here are the entities:

public class Person {

    private Long id;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String firstName;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String lastName;

    private LocalDateTime birthday;

    private Double height;

    private Double weight;

    @ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    private Set<String> nickNames;

    @CollectionTable(name = "person_phone_numbers", joinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "person_id")})
    @Column(name = "phone_number")
    private Set<String> phoneNumbers;

    @ManyToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE})
    @JoinTable(name = "person_address", joinColumns = {JoinColumn(name = "personId")}, inverseJoinColumns = {JoinColumn(name = "addressId")})
    private Set<Address> addressEntities;

    @OneToOne(mappedBy = "person", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
    private Job jobEntity;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "person", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
    private Set<Vehicle> vehicles;

            name = "characteristic_mapping",
            joinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "person_id", referencedColumnName = "id")})
    @MapKeyColumn(name = "characteristic_name")
    @Column(name = "value")
    private Map<String, String> characteristics;

            name = "person_tasks",
            joinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "person_id", referencedColumnName = "id")})
    @MapKeyJoinColumn(name = "task_id")
    @Column(name = "task_date")
    private Map<Task, LocalDateTime> tasks;

  // Getters/Setters

public class Address {

    private Long id;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String street;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String city;

    @ManyToOne(optional = false)
    private String zipCode;

    private CountryCode country;

    @ManyToMany(mappedBy = "addressEntities")
    private Set<Person> persons;

    // Getters/Setters

public class Job {

    private Long id;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String title;
    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String company;
    @Column(nullable = false)
    private Integer salary;
    @Column(nullable = false)
    private OffsetDateTime hireDate;
    @OneToOne(optional = false)
    private Person person;

    // Getters/Setters


public class Vehicle {

    private Long id;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private VehicleType vehicleType;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String brand;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String model;

    @ManyToOne(optional = false)
    private String person;

    @OneToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.ALL})
    @JoinTable(name = "feature_mapping",
            joinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "vehicle_id", referencedColumnName = "id")},
            inverseJoinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "feature_id", referencedColumnName = "id")})
    @MapKey(name = "name") // Feature name
    private Map<String, Feature> features;

    // Getters/Setters

public class Task {

    private Long id;
    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String name;
    private String description;
    // Getters/Setters
    // Override toString() method to get a JSON representation used by the HTTP response
    public String toString() {
      return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, ToStringStyle.JSON_STYLE);

public class Feature {

    private Long id;

    @Column(nullable = false, unique = true)
    private String name;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String description;

            name = "metadata_mapping",
            joinColumns = {@JoinColumn(referencedColumnName = "id", name = "feature_id")}
    @MapKeyColumn(name = "metadata_name")
    @Column(name = "value")
    private Map<String, String> metadata;

    // Getters/Setters

public enum VehicleType {


There are two methods to search for entities: Standard Query and Advanced Query

All search methods use the same operation described below.

To search for all the Database rows of an entity type, you must concatenate the Base Path (default is /search) and the Search Descriptor ID (default is the Entity name in lower case).
Example: Search all Person Entities

To search on nested fields, you must concatenate the deep fields separated by the dot '.'.
Example: The Person Entity contains a property of the Address Entity that is named addressEntities, and we search for Persons who live in 'Paris':

To search on fields with a Map type, you have to use the special keys key or value to query the keys or values respectively.
Example 1: The Person Entity contains a property of type Map that is named characteristics, and we search for Persons who have 'blue eyes':

Example 2: The Person Entity contains a property of type Map that is named tasks, and we search for Persons who have a task whose name is 'shopping':

Example 3: The Vehicle Entity contains a property of type Map that is named features, and we search for Persons who have vehicles with the 'GPS' feature:

Standard Query

You can search for entities by adding query parameters representing entity fields to the search URL.

To search on nested fields, you must concatenate the deep fields separated by the dot '.'.
Example: The Person Entity contains a property of the Address Entity that is named addressEntities, and we search for Persons who live in 'Paris':

To search on fields with a Map type, you have to use the special keys key or value to query the keys or values respectively. Example: The Person Entity contains a property of type Map that is named characteristics, and we search for Persons who have 'blue eyes':

This mode is limited to the use of the AND operator between each field criteria.
Each field criteria is limited to the use of the EQUALS operator and the IN operator.

What you want to query Example
Persons with the firstName is 'John' /search?firstName=John
Persons with the firstName is 'John' or 'Jane'
This will be result from a query with an IN operator
Persons with the firstName is 'John' and lastName is 'Doe' /search?firstName=John&lastName=Doe
Persons whose the vehicle brand is 'Renault' /search/person?vehicles.brand=Renault
Persons whose the vehicle brand is 'Renault' and the job company is 'Acme' /search/person?vehicles.brand=Renault&
Persons with the firstName is 'John' or 'Jane', and the vehicle brand is 'Renault' and the job company is 'Acme' /search?firstName=John&firstName=Jane&vehicles.brand=Renault&
Persons who have a vehicle with 'GPS'
This will be result from a query on the feature field of type Map
Persons with the birthday is 'null' /search?birthday=null
Persons who don't have jobs /search?jobEntity=null
Persons who have a vehicle without defined feature in database /search?vehicles.features=null
Persons who were born at current date /search?birthday=CURRENT_DATE
Persons who were born at current time /search?birthday=CURRENT_TIME
Persons who were born at current datetime /search?birthday=CURRENT_DATE_TIME

Advanced Query

You can search for entities by using the query string query.

query supports a powerful query language to perform advanced searches for the Entities.

You can combine logical operators and operators to create complex queries.

The value types are the following:

  • String: must be surrounded by single quotes or double quotes.
    Example: firstName='John', firstName="John"
  • Number: could be an integer or a decimal number.
    Example: height=174, height=175.2
  • Boolean: could be true or false and is case-insensitive Example: active=true, active=FALSE
  • Date: must be surrounded by single quotes or double quotes, or use special keywords CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_DATE_TIME.
    Example: birthday='1981-03-12T10:36:00', job.hireDate='2019-09-01T09:00:00Z', birthday=CURRENT_DATE_TIME

Note: The examples use the unencoded 'query' parameter, where firstName = 'John' is encoded as firstName+%3d+%27John%27.

Remember to manage this encoding when making requests from your code.

  1. Equals operator =
What you want to query Example
Persons with the first name 'John' /person?query=firstName='John'
Persons with the birthday equals to the given LocalDateTime /person?query=birthday='1981-03-12T10:36:00'
Persons with the hire date equals to the given OffsetDateTime /person?query=job.hireDate='2019-09-01T09:00:00Z'
Persons with the birthday equals to the current LocalDateTime /person?query=birthday=CURRENT_DATE_TIME
Persons who own a car (VehicleType is an Enum) /person?query=vehicle.vehicleType='CAR'
Persons who are 1,74 m tall /person?query=height=174
Persons who are actively employed /person?
Persons who have brown hair
It uses a field of Map type
/person?query=characteristics.key=hair AND characteristics.value=brown
  1. Not Equals operator !=
What you want to query Example
Persons who are not named 'John' /person?query=firstName!='John'
Persons with the birthday not equals to the given LocalDateTime /person?query=birthday!='1981-03-12T10:36:00'
Persons with the birthday not equals to the current LocalDateTime /person?query=birthday=CURRENT_DATE_TIME
Persons with the hire date not equals to the given OffsetDateTime /person?query=job.hireDate!='2019-09-01T09:00:00Z'
Persons who don't own a car (VehicleType is an Enum) /person?query=vehicle.vehicleType!='CAR'
Persons who are not 1,74 m tall /person?query=height!=174
Persons who are not actively employed /person?!=true
  1. Less than operator <
What you want to query Example
Persons who were born before the given LocalDateTime /person?query=birthday<'1981-03-12T10:36:00'
Persons who are hired before the given OffsetDateTime /person?query=job.hireDate<'2019-09-01T09:00:00Z'
Persons who are hired before current datetime /person?query=job.hireDate<CURRENT_DATE_TIME
Persons who are smaller than 1,74 m /person?query=height<174
  1. Less than or equals operator <=
What you want to query Example
Persons who were born before or on the given LocalDateTime /person?query=birthday<='1981-03-12T10:36:00'
Persons who are hired before or on the given OffsetDateTime /person?query=job.hireDate<='2019-09-01T09:00:00Z'
Persons who are hired before or on current datetime /person?query=job.hireDate<=CURRENT_DATE_TIME
Persons who are smaller than or equal to 1,74 m /person?query=height<=174
  1. Greater than operator >
What you want to query Example
Persons who were born after the given LocalDateTime /person?query=birthday>'1981-03-12T10:36:00'
Persons who are hired after the given OffsetDateTime /person?query=job.hireDate>'2019-09-01T09:00:00Z'
Persons who are hired after the current datetime /person?query=job.hireDate>CURRENT_DATE_TIME
Persons who are taller than 1,74 m /person?query=height>174
  1. Greater than or equals operator >=
What you want to query Example
Persons who were born after or on the given LocalDateTime /person?query=birthday>='1981-03-12T10:36:00'
Persons who are hired after or on the given OffsetDateTime /person?query=job.hireDate>='2019-09-01T09:00:00Z'
Persons who are hired after or on current datetime /person?query=job.hireDate>=CURRENT_DATE_TIME
Persons who are taller than or equal to 1,74 m /person?query=height>=174
  1. Matches operator MATCHES

Use the wildcard character * to match any string with zero or more characters.

What you want to query Example
Persons with the first name starting with 'Jo' /person?query=firstName MATCHES 'Jo*'
Persons with the first name ending with 'hn' /person?query=firstName MATCHES '*hn'
Persons with the first name containing 'oh' /person?query=firstName MATCHES '*oh*'
Persons with the first name that does not start with 'Jo' /person?query=firstName NOT MATCHES 'Jo*'
  1. Case-insensitive matches operator IMATCHES

This operator has the same behaviour as 'MATCHES' except that it is not case-sensitive.

Use the wildcard character * to match any string with zero or more characters.

What you want to query Example
Persons with the first name starting with 'JO', ignoring case-sensitive /person?query=firstName IMATCHES 'JO*'
Persons with the first name ending with 'HN', ignoring case-sensitive /person?query=firstName IMATCHES '*HN'
Persons with the first name containing 'OH', ignoring case-sensitive /person?query=firstName IMATCHES '*OH*'
Persons with the first name that does not start with 'JO', ignoring case-sensitive /person?query=firstName NOT IMATCHES 'JO*'
  1. ĂŚN operator
What you want to query Example
Persons who are named 'John' or 'Jane' /person?query=firstName IN ('John', 'Jane')
Persons with the height is one the given values /person?query=height IN (168, 174, 185)
Persons who own one of the given vehicle types (VehicleType is an Enum) /person?query=vehicle.vehicleType IN ('CAR', 'MOTORBIKE', 'TRUCK')
Persons who are not named 'John' or 'Jane' /person?query=firstName NOT IN ('John', 'Jane')
  1. Date comparison

The fields representing a date, time, or datetime can be compared with a string having a valid format according to the type of the field.

What you want to query Example
Persons with the birthday equals to the given LocalDateTime /person?query=birthday='1981-03-12T10:36:00'
Persons with the hire date equals to the given OffsetDateTime /person?query=job.hireDate='2019-09-01T09:00:00Z'

Also, the fields representing a date, time, or datetime can be compared with the following keywords:

  • CURRENT_DATE: keyword representing the current date
  • CURRENT_TIME: keyword representing the current time
  • CURRENT_DATE_TIME: keyword representing the current date and time
What you want to query Example
Persons with the birthday is at current datetime /person?query=birthday=CURRENT_DATE_TIME
Persons with the birthday is not at current datetime /person?query=birthday!=CURRENT_DATE_TIME
Persons with the birthday is after current datetime /person?query=birthday>CURRENT_DATE_TIME
Persons with the birthday is after or at current datetime /person?query=birthday>=CURRENT_DATE_TIME
Persons with the birthday is before current datetime /person?query=birthday<CURRENT_DATE_TIME
Persons with the birthday is before or at current datetime /person?query=birthday<=CURRENT_DATE_TIME
  1. NULL comparison
What you want to query Example
Persons with the birthday is 'null' /person?query=birthday=null
/person?query=birthday IS NULL
Persons with the birthday is not 'null' /person?query=birthday!=null
/person?query=birthday IS NOT NULL
Persons who don't have jobs /person?query=job=null
/person?query=job IS NULL
Persons who have jobs /person?query=job!=null
/person?query=job IS NOT NULL
  1. AND logical operator
What you want to query Example
Persons with the first name 'John', with blue eyes, with a height greater than 1,60 m, the birthday is the given LocalDateTime and who are actively employed /person?query=firstName='John' AND characteristics.key='eyes' AND characteristics.value='blue' AND height > 160 and birthday='1981-03-12T10:36:00' AND
  1. OR logical operator
What you want to query Example
Persons who are named 'John' or 'Jane' /person?query=firstName='John' OR firstName='Jane'
Persons with the height is 1,68 m, 1,74 m or 1,85 m /person?query=height=168 OR height=174 OR height=185
Persons who own a car or a motorbike (VehicleType is an Enum) /person?query=vehicle.vehicleType='CAR' OR vehicle.vehicleType='MOTORBIKE'
  1. NOT operator
What you want to query Example
Persons with the first name is not 'John' or 'Jane' /person?query=NOT (firstName='John' OR firstName='Jane')
Persons who don't live in France and is not actively employed /person?query=NOT ('FR' AND
Persons who don't own a car (VehicleType is an Enum) /person?query=NOT vehicle.vehicleType='CAR'
  1. Parentheses

The precedence of operators determines the order of evaluation of terms in an expression.

AND operator has precedence over the OR operator.

To override this order and group terms explicitly, you can use parentheses.

What you want to query Example
Persons who are named 'John' or 'Jane', and own a car or a motorbike /person?query=(firstName='John' OR firstName='Jane') AND (vehicle.vehicleType='CAR' OR vehicle.vehicleType='MOTORBIKE')
  1. Nested fields

To search on nested fields, you must concatenate the deep fields separated by the dot '.'.
Example: The Person Entity contains a property of the Address Entity that is named addressEntities, and we search for Persons who live in 'Paris':

What you want to query Example
Persons who own a car /person?query=vehicle.vehicleType='CAR'
Persons who live in 'France' or in Italy /person?'FR' OR'IT'
Persons who work job company is Acme and are actively employed /person?'Acme' AND



Module Javadoc
Core javadoc-core
JPA javadoc-jpa
MongoDB javadoc-mongodb

Search Descriptor

The Search Descriptors allow exposing automatically search endpoints for Entities.
The new endpoints are mapped to /search/{searchyDescriptorId} where searchyDescriptorId is the ID defined for the SearchyDescriptor.

Note: You can change the default base path /search. See Changing the Base Path.

The easiest way to create a Search Descriptor is to use the com.weedow.searchy.descriptor.SearchyDescriptorBuilder which provides every options available to configure a SearchyDescriptor.

Configure a new Search Descriptor

You have to add the SearchyDescriptors to the Searchy Configuration to expose the Entity endpoint:

  • Implement the com.weedow.searchy.config.SearchyConfigurer interface and override the addSearchyDescriptors method:

    public class SearchyDescriptorConfiguration implements SearchyConfigurer {
        public void addSearchyDescriptors(SearchyDescriptorRegistry registry) {
            SearchyDescriptor searchyDescriptor = new SearchyDescriptorBuilder<Person>(Person.class).build();
  • Another solution is to add a new @Bean. This solution is useful when you want to create a SearchyDescriptor which depends on other Beans:

    public class SearchyDescriptorConfiguration {
        SearchyDescriptor<Person> personSearchyDescriptor(PersonRepository personRepository) {
            return new SearchyDescriptorBuilder<Person>(Person.class)

Search Descriptor options

Search Descriptor ID

This is the Search Descriptor Identifier. Each identifier must be unique.
Searchy uses this identifier in the search endpoint URL which is mapped to /search/{searchyDescriptorId}: searchyDescriptorId is the Search Descriptor Identifier.

If the Search Descriptor ID is not set, Searchy uses the Entity Name in lowercase as Search Descriptor ID.
If the Entity is, the Search Descriptor ID is person

Example with a custom Search Descriptor ID:

public class SearchyDescriptorConfiguration implements SearchyConfigurer {

    public void addSearchyDescriptors(SearchyDescriptorRegistry registry) {
    SearchyDescriptor<Person> personSearchyDescriptor() {
        return new SearchyDescriptorBuilder<Person>(Person.class)
Entity Class

This is the Class of the Entity to be searched.
When you use com.weedow.searchy.descriptor.SearchyDescriptorBuilder, the Entity Class is added during instantiation:

  • In a Java project: new SearchyDescriptorBuilder<>(Person.class)
  • In a Kotlin project: SearchyDescriptorBuilder.builder<Person>().build() or SearchyDescriptorBuilder(
DTO Mapper

This option allows to convert the Entity to a specific DTO before returning the HTTP response.
This can be useful when you don't want to return all data of the entity.

To do this, you need to create a class which implements the com.weedow.searchy.dto.DtoMapper interface:

public class PersonDtoMapper implements DtoMapper<Person, PersonDto> {
    public PersonDto map(Person source) {
        return PersonDto.Builder()

Then you add this DTO Mapper to the SearchyDescriptor:

public class SearchyDescriptorConfiguration implements SearchyConfigurer {

    public void addSearchyDescriptors(SearchyDescriptorRegistry registry) {
    SearchyDescriptor<Person> personSearchyDescriptor() {
        return new SearchyDescriptorBuilder<Person>(Person.class)
                        .dtoMapper(new PersonDtoMapper())

If this option is not set, a default DTO Mapper is used. This default DTO Mapper may be different according to the database implementation used. The Core provides a default DTO Mapper com.weedow.searchy.dto.DefaultDtoMapper that does not convert the entity, and the HTTP response returns it directly.


Searchy provides a validation service to validate the Field Expressions.

A Field Expression is a representation of a query parameter which evaluates an Entity field.
Example: /search/person? : the query parameter is converted to a Field Expression where the company field from the Job Entity must be equals to Acme.

Note: The validation service does not validate the Type of the query parameter values. This is already supported when Searchy converts the query parameter values from String to the correct type expected by the related field. (See Converters)

The validators is used to validate whether:

  • A value matches a specific Regular Expression,
  • A number is between a minimum and maximum value
  • There is at least one query parameter in the request
  • A query parameter for a specific field is present or absent in the request
  • ...

To do this, you need to create a new class which implements the com.weedow.searchy.validation.SearchyValidator interface:

public class EmailValidator implements SearchyValidator {

    private static final String EMAIL_REGEX = "(?:[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*|\"(?:[\\x01-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f\\x21\\x23-\\x5b\\x5d-\\x7f]|\\\\[\\x01-\\x09\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x7f])*\")@(?:(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?|\\[(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?|[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]:(?:[\\x01-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f\\x21-\\x5a\\x53-\\x7f]|\\\\[\\x01-\\x09\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x7f])+)\\])";

    public void validate(Collection<? extends FieldExpression> fieldExpressions, SearchyErrors errors) {
                .filter(fieldExpression -> "email".equals(fieldExpression.getFieldInfo().getField().getName()))
                .forEach(fieldExpression -> {
                    final Object value = fieldExpression.getValue();
                    if (value instanceof String) {
                        if (!value.toString().matches(EMAIL_REGEX)) {
                            errors.reject("email", "Invalid email value");

Then you need to add the validators to a Search Descriptor:

public class SearchyDescriptorConfiguration implements SearchyConfigurer {

    public void addSearchyDescriptors(SearchyDescriptorRegistry registry) {
    SearchyDescriptor<Person> personSearchyDescriptor() {
        return new SearchyDescriptorBuilder<Person>(Person.class)
                        .validators(new NotEmptyValidator(), new EmailValidator("email"))

Searchy provides the following SearchyValidator implementations:

  • com.weedow.searchy.validation.validator.NotEmptyValidator: Checks if there is at least one field expression.
  • com.weedow.searchy.validation.validator.NotNullValidator: Checks if the field expression value is not null.
  • com.weedow.searchy.validation.validator.RequiredValidator: Checks if all specified required fieldPaths are present. The validator iterates over the field expressions and compare the related fieldPath with the required fieldPaths.
  • com.weedow.searchy.validation.validator.PatternValidator: Checks if the field expression value matches the specified pattern.
  • com.weedow.searchy.validation.validator.UrlValidator: Checks if the field expression value matches a valid URL.
  • com.weedow.searchy.validation.validator.EmailValidator: Checks if the field expression value matches the email format.
  • com.weedow.searchy.validation.validator.MaxValidator: Checks if the field expression value is less or equals to the specified maxValue.
  • com.weedow.searchy.validation.validator.MinValidator: Checks if the field expression value is greater or equals to the specified minValue.
  • com.weedow.searchy.validation.validator.RangeValidator: Checks if the field expression value is between the specified minValue and maxValue.
Specification Executor

Searchy defines the class com.weedow.searchy.query.specification.Specification, inspired by Spring Data JPA Specifications. It is used to aggregate all expressions in query parameters and query the Entities in the Database.

Searchy defines the following interface to allow execution of Specifications:

public interface SpecificationExecutor<T> {
    List<T> findAll(Specification<T> spec);

This interface is already implemented for each Database implementation (JPA, MongoDB ...). This is normally sufficient for the majority of needs, but you can set this option with your own SpecificationExecutor implementation if you need a specific implementation.

To ease integration with Spring Repositories, there is the com.weedow.searchy.repository.SearchyBaseRepository interface.

  • Extending an annotated @Repository interface with the SearchyBaseRepository interface
    public interface PersonRepository extends SearchyBaseRepository {
  • Set the SearchyDescriptor with the previous interface
    public class SearchyDescriptorConfiguration {
        SearchyDescriptor<Person> personSearchyDescriptor(PersonRepository personRepository) {
            return new SearchyDescriptorBuilder<Person>(Person.class)
  • If the annotated @Repository interface has a specific implementation, implement the List<T> findAll(Specification<T> specification) method
    public class PersonRepositoryImpl implements PersonRepository {
      public List<Person> findAll(Specification<Person> specification) {
        // ...
  • If the annotated @Repository interface does not have a specific implementation, it means that it uses a default Spring implementation that will not support the List<T> findAll(Specification<T> specification) method. It is therefore necessary to override this behavior by specifying another FactoryBean class to be used for each repository instance. For example, if it's a JPA Repository, you have to specify that the repositoryFactoryBeanClass is com.weedow.searchy.jpa.repository.JpaSearchyRepositoryFactoryBean:
    @EnableJpaRepositories(value = {"com.sample.repository"}, repositoryFactoryBeanClass = JpaSearchyRepositoryFactoryBean.class)
    public class SampleAppJavaApplication {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
 , args);
Entity Join Handlers

It is sometimes useful to optimize the number of SQL queries by specifying the data that you want to fetch during the first SQL query with the criteria.

This option allows adding EntityJoinHandler implementations to specify join types for any fields having join annotation.

You can add several EntityJoinHandler implementations. The first implementation that matches from the support(...) method will be used to specify the join type for the given field.

public class SearchyDescriptorConfiguration {
  public SearchyDescriptor<Person> personSearchyDescriptor(SearchyContext searchyContext) {
    return new SearchyDescriptorBuilder<>(Person.class)
            .entityJoinHandlers(new MyEntityJoinHandler(), new JpaFetchingEagerEntityJoinHandler(searchyContext))

Searchy provides the following default implementations:

  • FetchingAllEntityJoinHandler: This implementation allows to query an entity by fetching all data related to this entity, i.e. all fields related to another Entity recursively.
    A has a relationship with B and B has a relationship with C.
    When we search for A, we retrieve A with data from B and C.
  • JpaFetchingEagerEntityJoinHandler: This specific JPA implementation allows to query an entity by fetching all fields having a Join Annotation with the Fetch type defined as EAGER.
    A has a relationship with B using @OneToMany annotation and FetchType.EAGER, and A has a relationship with C using @OneToMany annotation and FetchType.LAZY.
    When we search for A, we retrieve A with just data from B, but not C.

You can create your own implementation to fetch the additional data you require.
Just implement the com.weedow.searchy.join.handler.EntityJoinHandler interface:

 * Fetch all fields annotated with @ElementCollection
public class MyEntityJoinHandler implements EntityJoinHandler {

  public boolean supports(PropertyInfos propertyInfos) {
    return propertyInfos.getAnnotations().stream().anyMatch(annotation -> annotation instanceof ElementCollection);

  public JoinInfo handle(PropertyInfos propertyInfos) {
    return new JoinInfo(JoinType.LEFTJOIN, true);

If this option is not set, the default Searchy behavior is to create LEFT JOIN if needed.

For more details about joins handling, please read the following explanations.

If the result contains the root Entity with the related Entities, there will be multiple SQL queries:

  • One SQL query with your criteria
  • One query by joined Entity to retrieve the related data

Let's say you want to have an endpoint to search any Persons.
The endpoint response returns the Persons found with their Jobs and Vehicles.

The Entity has relationships with the Entity and the Entity. Here are the entities :

public class Person {
    @OneToOne(mappedBy = "person", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
    private Job jobEntity;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "person", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
    private Set<Vehicle> vehicles;

public class Vehicle {

    private Long id;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String brand;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String model;

    @ManyToOne(optional = false)
    private String person;

    // Getters/Setters

public class Job {

    private Long id;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String title;
    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String company;
    @Column(nullable = false)
    private Integer salary;
    @Column(nullable = false)
    private OffsetDateTime hireDate;
    @OneToOne(optional = false)
    private Person person;

    // Getters/Setters

You want to search for the persons who's the vehicle brand is Renault, and the job company is Acme:


If you have any persons who match your query, you should get an HTTP response that looks like the following:

        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "birthday": "1981-03-12T10:36:00",
        "jobEntity": {
            "title": "Lab Technician",
            "company": "Acme",
            "salary": 50000,
            "hireDate": "2019-09-01T11:00:00+02:00",
            "id": 1,
            "createdOn": "2020-03-12T11:36:00+01:00",
            "updatedOn": "2020-04-17T14:00:00+02:00"
        "vehicles": [
                "vehicleType": "CAR",
                "brand": "Renault",
                "model": "Clio",
                "id": 1,
                "createdOn": "2020-03-12T11:36:00+01:00",
                "updatedOn": "2020-04-17T14:00:00+02:00"
        "id": 1,
        "createdOn": "2020-03-12T11:36:00+01:00",
        "updatedOn": "2020-04-17T14:00:00+02:00"

To get this result, there were several SQL queries:

  • The SQL query with your criteria:
    from person p 
    left outer join vehicle v on 
    left outer join job j on 
        and v.brand='Renault';
  • The following SQL query executed for each Person returned by the first SQL query:
    select j.*, p.*
    from job j 
    inner join person p on 
    These SQL queries occur because the field jobEntity present on the Person Entity is annotated with the @OneToOne annotation whose the default fetch type is EAGER.
    • The following SQL query executed for each Person returned by the first SQL query:
      select v.*
      from vehicle v 
      The vehicles field present on the Person Entity is annotated with the @OneToMany annotation (default fetch type is LAZY).
      However, these SQL queries occur because vehicle information must be returned in the HTTP response.

It is therefore sometimes useful to optimize the number of SQL queries by specifying the data that you want to fetch during the first SQL query with the criteria.

To do this, you can use the EntityJoinHandlers to specify the join type for each Entity field having a relationship with another Entity.


Searchy provides an alias management to replace any field name with another name in queries.

This can be useful when the name of a field is too technical or too long or simply to allow several possible names.

Let's say you manage Persons with following Entity:

public class Person {
    @OneToOne(mappedBy = "person", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
    private Job jobEntity;

You want to search for persons with their job company is Acme. The request looks like: /search/person?
However you don't want use the jobEntity string but job into the URL: /search/person?

To do this, you need to create a AliasResolver implementation:

 * Create an alias for all fields ending with 'Entity'.
class MyAliasResolver implements AliasResolver {
    private static final String SUFFIX = "Entity";

    public Boolean supports(Class<?> entityClass, Field field) {

    List<String> resolve(Class<?> entityClass, Field field) {
        return Arrays.asList(StringUtils.substringBefore(fieldName, SUFFIX));        

You must then register it in the Alias Resolver Registry:

public class SampleAppJavaConfiguration implements SearchyConfigurer {

    public void addAliasResolvers(AliasResolverRegistry registry) {
        registry.addAliasResolver(new MyAliasResolver());

Another solution is to declare your AliasResolver as @Bean. This solution is useful when you want to create a AliasResolver which depends on other Beans.

By default, Searchy registers the following Alias Resolvers:

  • SearchyDefaultAliasConfigurerAutoConfiguration: Creates an alias for all fields ending with the suffixes Entity or Entities.


Searchy converts the query parameter values from String to the correct type expected by the related field.

Searchy uses the Spring Converter Service.
Spring Converter Service provides several converter implementations in the package.

To create your own converter, implement the Converter interface and parameterize S as the java.lang.String type and T as the type you are converting to.

public class MyConverter implements Converter<String, MyObject> {

    public MyObject convert(String s) {
        return MyObject.of(s);


You must then register it in the Converter registry:

public class SampleAppJavaConfiguration implements SearchyConfigurer {

    public void addConverters(ConverterRegistry registry) {
        registry.addConverter(new MyConverter());

Another solution is to declare your Converter as @Bean. This solution is useful when you want to create a Converter which depends on other Beans.

Changing the Base Path

By default, Searchy defines the Base Path as /search and add the Search Descriptor ID. Example: /search/person

You can do change the Base Path by setting a single property in, as follows:


This changes the Base Path to /api. Example: /api/person




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Nicolas Dos Santos - @Kobee1203

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