This version has been trimmed of all licensed and copyrighted materials. As a result, the test data is not included in this repository, and commands may not run as expected without additional setup.
make -j $(nproc) test
make -j $(nproc) test index
INDEX=./target/dnb.index docker compose -p korap4dnb --profile=lite -f korap4dnb-compose.yml up -d
xdg-open http://localhost:4000/?q=Test
docker compose -p korap4dnb down
make clean && time make -j $(( $(nproc) / 2 )) index SRC_DIR=./Buchpreis
The index will be in target/dnb.index
make -j $(nproc) i5
Prerequisite: KorAP-XML-CoNLL-U
make -j $(nproc) target/ SRC_DIR=test/resources/DNB YEARS=18
make -j $(nproc) index
The index will be in target/dnb.index
and start the docker:
INDEX=./target/dnb.index docker compose -p korap4dnb --profile=lite -f korap4dnb-compose.yml up -d
docker compose -p korap4dnb down
docker compose -p korap4dnb --profile=lite restart
Install prerequisite korap/conllu2treetagger and korap/conllu2spacy docker images if not present:
docker image inspect korap/conllu2treetagger:latest || curl -Ls '' | docker load
docker image inspect korap/conllu2spacy:latest || curl -Ls | docker load
Make annotations fro dnb20:
make -j $(nproc) target/ target/ target/
Build KorAP all, up to the deployable index:
make -j $(nproc) all