pip install rsack
git clone https://github.com/Slyyxp/rsack.git
cd rsack
python setup.py install
- FLAC16, 320kbps
- Timed lyrics
- Artist batching
- Extensive tagging
- Concurrent downloads
- Client utlizing undocumented mobile API.
- FLAC24, FLAC16, 320kbps
- Artist batching
- Timed lyrics
- Extensive tagging
- Concurrent downloads
- Client utlizing undocumented mobile API.
can be located in your home folder.
Command Usage
Example Configuration
Account Creation
from rsack.clients import bugs
client = bugs.Client() # Initialize client object
client.auth(username='', password='') # Authorize user
artist = client.get_artist(id=80219706) # Make call for artist information using artist UID
album = client.get_album(id=4071297) # Make call for album information using album UID
track = client.get_track(id=6147328) # Make call for track information using track UID
from rsack.clients import genie
client = genie.Client() # Initialize client object
client.auth(username="", password="") # Authorize user
album = client.get_album(82525503) # Make call for album information using album UID
artist = client.get_artist(80006273) # Make call for artist information using artist UID
track = client.get_stream_meta(95970973) # Make call for stream information using track UID
Servers for both Bugs and Genie are located in Korea, if you are outside of Asia downloads will likely be somewhat slow.
No you cannot, these files are not streamable.
Bugs does not offer any 24bit files at the time of writing this.
KT offer a 24bit package, beyond that i'm not sure.