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indra publishing sonatype

zml edited this page Apr 28, 2021 · 2 revisions

This plugin applies the the gradle nexus publish plugin, and adds Sonatype OSS repository to the publishing repositories list.

New in 2.0.0, this plugin only applies the publishing plugin if the standard indra plugin is applied. This allows it to be applied to the root project (as required by the nexus plugin) when the root project does not itself need to be published.

This plugin can only be applied on the root project and will add the OSSRH publication to all subprojects. This is a limitation of the underlying Nexus plugin used. If this is not desired, the OSSRH publishing URLS must be added manually using the normal mechanisms, without this plugin. Using normal publishing URLs will allow publishing just fine, but could result in multiple staging repositories, and prevents closing and releasing the staging repository as part of CI.

indra-publishing-sonatype adds an indraSonatype project extension with one property (useAlternateSonatypeOSSHost)

Using alternate Sonatype hosts

Since February 2021, new projects registered with Sonatype OSS will be assigned to, rather than the default of Indra provides some shorthand to support this host, as well as future alternate hosts that may be added:

indraSonatype {