Python package to emulate atmospheric transparency simulation for different observation sites.
Transmission profiles depending on wavelength and airmass for Rayleigh scattering and atmospheric components absorption like Oxygen,
water vapor or Ozon were extracted from libradtran.
Those transmission profiles are located in obsatmo_data
In addition to libradtran interpolated gridded profiles, an analytic expression scattering for single component aerosol scattering is provided.
git clone
cd getObsAtmo
python install
python -m unittest
from getObsAtmo.getObsAtmo import ObsAtmo
emul = ObsAtmo(obs_str = "LSST", pressure = 743.0)
wl = [400.,800.,900.]
pwv =4.0
transm = emul.GetAllTransparencies(wl,am,pwv,oz) # get transmission
print("wavelengths (nm) \t = ",wl)
print("transmissions \t = ",transm)
emul.plot_transmission() # plot the transmission
The detailed documentation can be used in