Enable writing to NTFS hard drives for free in Mac OS X.
Get and Install Homebrew from Homebrew Website
$ brew cask install osxfuse
$ brew install ntfs-3g
Restart your macbook and press COMMAND + R
to get into the recovery mode.
Open the terminal while in recovery mode and type
$ csrutil disable
After disabling csrutil, reboot your macbook normally. When done open terminal and enter the following commands:
$ sudo mv /sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs.original
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs
Restart your macbook and press COMMAND + R
to get into the recovery mode.
Open the terminal while in recovery mode and type
$ csrutil enable
Restart your macbook normally. You should be able to write and read NTFS diks.
Tested with: OSX El Capitan - Version 10.11.4