Vice USBSID-Pico fork
This fork has built-in support for USBSID-Pico.
USBSID-Pico is a RPi Pico based board for interfacing one or two MOS SID chips and/or hardware SID emulators with your PC over USB.
For building you can mostly follow the instructions in the Linux-GTK3-Howto
add --enable-usbsid
to ./configure
for USBSID-Pico support
sudo apt install autoconf automake build-essential byacc flex xa65 gawk libgtk-3-dev texinfo texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-latex-extra dos2unix libpulse-dev libasound2-dev libglew-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libevdev-dev libpng-dev libgif-dev libpcap-dev libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-dev libmpg123-dev libmp3lame-dev
# clone the repository
git clone
cd Vice-USBSID
# clone the driver
git clone
# copy the driver files into the correct directory
mkdir -p vice/src/lib/libusbsiddrv
cd USBSID-Pico-driver
cp LICENSE USBSID* vice-makefile/ ../vice/src/lib/libusbsiddrv/
cd ..
# create a build directory
mkdir -p usbsid/{build,release/usr}
export OUTDIR=$(pwd)/usbsid/release
# generate configure and make files
cd vice
# change to the build directory
cd ../usbsid/build
# depending on your preference add on of the
# following sets to the configure command below
# GTK3
--enable-gtk3ui \
# SDL2
--enable-sdl2ui \
--with-sdlsound \
# SDL1
--enable-sdl1ui \
--with-sdlsound \
# configure make with what you need
../../vice/configure \
--prefix=/usr \
--enable-option-checking=fatal \
--enable-gtk3ui \
--enable-usbsid \
--disable-arch \
--disable-html-docs \
--enable-cpuhistory \
--enable-io-simulation \
--enable-experimental-devices \
--enable-x64-image \
--enable-ethernet \
--enable-midi \
--disable-catweasel \
--disable-hardsid \
--with-pulse \
--with-alsa \
--with-fastsid \
--with-gif \
--with-lame \
--with-libcurl \
--with-libieee1284 \
--with-mpg123 \
--with-png \
# optional recording types
# optional config options
# run make
make -j$(nproc) -s --no-print-directory
# (OPTIONAL) Create installation files
make DESTDIR=$OUTDIR install
# start Vice
# after first compile
./src/x64sc -directory ./data
./src/vsid -directory ./data
# after first installation to current system
# Installation to current system
sudo make install
# Now you can run vice directly
# Optional commandline options
-sidenginemodel usbsid # enables USBSID (available in settings menu too)
For building you can use the instructions in the Docker-Mingw32-build as guideline.
After installing docker follow the following steps to create win32 or win64 binaries.
# clone the repository
git clone
cd Vice-USBSID
# clone the driver
git clone
# copy the driver files into the correct directory
mkdir -p vice/src/lib/libusbsiddrv
cd USBSID-Pico-driver
cp LICENSE USBSID* vice-makefile/ ../vice/src/lib/libusbsiddrv/
cd ..
# generate configure and make files
cd vice
cd ..
# copy the docker files to current directory
cp vice/build/mingw/docker/* .
# creating the base docker container
docker build --tag vice-buildcontainer:base .
# choose win32 or win64
## for win32 rename the correct build script and create acontainer
docker build --tag vice-buildcontainer:0.3 -f Dockerfile.usbsid-win32 .
## for win64 rename the correct build script and create acontainer
docker build --tag vice-buildcontainer:0.3 -f Dockerfile.usbsid-win64 .
# depending on the container type you created this will create a zip file in the current directory
./ $(pwd)
This is the official git mirror of the VICE subversion repo.
For news, documentation, developer information, visit the VICE website.