This is a Go implementation of the Aho-Corasick search algorithm.
The code is a port from the great Multifast library written in C. Please visit to learn more about it.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Aho-Corasick automaton
atm := gomultifast.NewAutomaton()
// Add search terms, of course this can be done in a loop from a file etc.
key := "term1"
search_term := "golang"
tmp_patt := gomultifast.NewPattern(key, search_term)
key = "term21"
search_term = ""
tmp_patt := gomultifast.NewPattern(key, search_term)
// No more adding of terms after this
fmt.Printf("Finished adding search terms\n")
//atm.Print() // This will print out the nodes for debugging
atm.Search("thisissometextwithgolanginit", false, match_handler, "")
atm.Search("iloveexamplesthatuseexample.cominthem", false, match_handler, "")
atm.Search("thisisjust some text here", false, match_handler, "")
// Callback function to run against matches
func match_handler(matchp gomultifast.Match, matchedLine string, param string) bool {
for _, m := range matchp.Patterns {
// Print search hit
fmt.Printf("%s,%s\n", m.Ident, matchedLine)
return false