Working singleton for many projects with maximised power of GeoLocation
Simply drag and drop the LocationCore.swift file to your project
// to start location updates just use the following method
// if you wanna to stop using location services
// to start monitoring any area simply use
Location.core.monitorNewRegion(_ region: CLCircularRegion)
// and to stop monitoring them
Location.core.stopMonitorRegion(_ region: CLCircularRegion)
// To get the actual accuracy of geo signal
Location.core.getLocationAccuracy() -> String
// Cases: "No Signal", "Poor Signal", "Average Signal", "Full Signal"
// asuming the values of horizontalAccuracy in comparance with scheme:
// <0(No), >163(Poor) and >48(Average) and other values(Full)
To change any values of CLLocationManager configuration you should address the core.manager:
// to change activityType
Location.core.manager.activityType = .fitness
Or if you want to get any values from working core:
// gettin' monitors you are monitoring and didn't removed from observation