Scanner that runs enumeration scripts while you do other things, made for the OSCP exam or for use on CTF's. Not recommended to run on live networks as-is.
This script is designed to do Nmap scans of a list of target hosts. It takes an hour or so to complete. To keep you notified of its progress, it uses linux system notifications as it finishes each script.
- Must have libnotify-bin installed // apt-get install libnotify-bin.
- If you don't want to use notifications, just remove the line from the script.
- Before you begin, create a file called ips.txt with a host to scan on each line.
- If the UDP scan is taking too long, you should just kill the script.
It will create a directory structure that consists of just the last portion of the subnet you're scanning. For example, if you're scanning 5 hosts in the subnet, the directory tree would look like this:
127/ 112/ 92/ 84/ 60/
Using the .127 host as an example, each folder will be outputs of each scan:
$ cd 127/
$ ls -la
- You can modify this script to take things to the next level, by running a nikto, searchsploit or directory scan for hosts with an open port 80/443.