This is a python package to help solve the dynamics of a mush in a 1D setup, either in a cartesian layer (infinite in X and Y) or a sphere (with only dependences in radius). The system solves for the velocity of the matrix and advects the porosity.
We used Anaconda to package and install the package, but you can also directly install python3 and the packages through pip3.
Required packages are: numpy scipy pandas matplotlib pyyaml
To be able to run the notebooks, please install jupyter notebook
For a complete installation through anaconda, you can create a new virtual environment with the required packages:
conda create -n name_env python=3.6
conda activate name_env
conda install numpy scipy pandas matplotlib pyyaml jupyter
And finally, to install mushdynamics, while in the folder:
python install
To be able to use git with the jupyter notebook, we use jupytext.
There is no unit test implemented yet. But there are one script with a list of small programs to visually test if the solvers are doing correct things and to compare the advection solvers. See .