This is a set of functions for creating figures/plots from seqeuncing data
: Generates reads coverage track from TimeLapse experiment showing 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5+ mutation contatining reads.plot_track
: Gerenerates reads coverage track from single sample or overlay of mnultiple samples.plot_BarGene
: Allows plotting of descrete scale data onto continuous scale annotation.
plot_tl (dir, name, chr, start, end, yscale = NULL, labx = TRUE)
dir - directory to serch for .bigWig files
name - a unique portion of the file names that selects all mutation track files for both strands e.g. "NMD_rep1"
chr - chromosome identifier for plotting window
start - start (leftmost) position for plotting window <int>
end - end (rightmost) position for plotting window <int>
yscale - optional: vector in format c(min,max) for y axis scale (default: autoscale)
labx - optional: show genomic coordinates on x axis (default: TRUE)
plot_tl("TracksBigwig/Control/", "1hr_1", "chr6", 36592363, 36607600)
plot_track (dir, name, chr, start, end, yscale = NULL, labx = TRUE, snames = name)
dir - directory to serch for bigWig files
name - either single or vector of names to distinguish files e.g. "NMD_rep1"
chr - chromosome identifier for plotting window
start - start (leftmost) position for plotting window <int>
end - end (rightmost) position for plotting window <int>
yscale - optional: vector in format c(min,max) for y axis scale (default: autoscale)
labx - optional: show genomic coordinates on x axis (default: TRUE)
snames - optional: sample names for leged (default: file name)
plot_track("TracksBigwig/Control", c("1hr_1.TC.0.pos", "1hr_1.TC.1.pos"), "chr6", 36592363, 36607600)
plot_BarGene (name_of_gene, annotation, bar_ylab = "", labx = TRUE)
name_of_gene - name of gene for plotting, has to match gene_name column values in annotation
bar_ylab - y axis label for barplot (default: off)
labx - show genomic coordinates on x axis (default: TRUE)
annotation - data.frame used for plotting
input is dataframe of exon data from ideally 1 but possibly multiple transcripts
annotation data.frame has to contain these columns: seqnames, start, end, strand, score, sd, transcript_id, gene_name
each row has information about a single exon: seqnames - chromosome name
start - leftmost edge of exon
end - rightmost edge of exon
strand - strand information
score - value for barplot
sd - value for error bars
transcript_id - transcript identifier this exon belongs to
gene_nname - name of gene this exon belongs to
plot_BarGene("SRSF3", annot, bar_ylab = "Data +/- SD")
p1 <- plot_BarGene("SRSF3", annot, bar_ylab = "Data +/- SD", labx = FALSE)
p2 <- plot_track("TracksBigwig/Control", c("1hr_1.TC.0.pos", "1hr_1.TC.1.pos"), "chr6", 36593781, 36606397, labx = FALSE, snames = c("Sample1", "Sample2"))
p3 <- plot_tl("TracksBigwig/Control/", "1hr_1", "chr6", 36593781, 36606397) + ylab("Sample")
p1 + p2 + p3 + plot_layout(ncol = 1, heights = c(4, 1, 1), guides = 'collect')