This is a sample starting kit for the House price challenge.
Prerequisites: Install Anaconda Python 2.7, including jupyter-notebook
(1) If you are a challenge participant:
The file README.ipynb contains step-by-step instructions on how to create a sample submission for the houseprice challenge. At the prompt type:
jupyter-notebook README.ipynb
modify sample_code_submission to provide a better model
zip the contents of sample_code_submission (without the directory, but with metadata), or
download the public_data and run:
python ingestion_program/ public_data sample_result_submission ingestion_program sample_code_submission
then zip the contents of sample_result_submission (without the directory).
(2) If you are a challenge organizer and use this starting kit as a template, ensure that:
you modify README.ipynb to provide a good introduction to the problem and good data visualization
sample_data is a small data subset carved out the challenge TRAINING data, for practice purposes only (do not compromise real validation or test data)
the following programs run properly (you can substitute sample_xxx_data with any of the 4 kinds of sample data provided):
python ingestion_program/ sample_xxx_data sample_result_submission ingestion_program sample_code_submission
python scoring_program/ sample_xxx_data sample_result_submission scoring_output
IMPORTANT: if you switch between sample data and public data, remove houseprice_model.pickle from sample_code_submission, otherwise you'll have inconsistent data and models.
the metric identified by metric.txt in the utilities directory is the metric used both to compute performances in README.ipynb and for the challenge.