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Model to Excel, Excel to Model mapper based on apache poi, java reflection


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Model to Excel, Excel to Model mapper based on apache poi.

Add annotations to your model you already have. And convert to Excel, or import values from Excel


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    maven { url '' }
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    compile ""

Basic Usage

The sample model PurchaseOrderTemplate used in the photo at the top of the document is included in the package, and its usage is as follows.

Insert values to model

public class ExcelMapperSpec {

  private PurchaseOrderTemplate createModel() {
    return PurchaseOrderTemplate
                .titleRow(new TitleRow())
                            .vendorTitle("Company Name").vendorValue("Megazone")
                            .toTitle("Company Name").toValue("DSG").build(),
                            .vendorValue("MEGAZONE B/D Yeoksam-dong Gangnam-gu")
                            .toTitle("Address").toValue("DSG B/D Yeoksam-dong Gangnam-gu").build(),
                            .vendorTitle("CT, ST ZIP").vendorValue("SEOUL 06235 KOREA")
                            .toTitle("CT, ST ZIP").toValue("SEOUL 12345 KOREA").build(),
                            .vendorTitle("Phone").vendorValue("T.82(0)2 2108 9105")
                            .toTitle("Phone").toValue("T. 82 (0)2 2109 2500").build()
                            .via("Purchase Part")
                            .name("#228839221").description("Product ABC").qty(1)
                            .name("#428832121").description("Product EFG").qty(15)
                            .name("#339884344").description("Product XYZ").qty(78)
                .summaryRow(new SummaryRow())

Model to Excel

public class ExcelMapperSpec {

  public void model_to_excel() throws IOException {
    PurchaseOrderTemplate model = this.createModel();
    Workbook excel = ExcelMapper.toExcel(model);

Excel to Model

public class ExcelMapperSpec {

  public void excel_to_model() {
    PurchaseOrderTemplate model = this.createModel();
    Workbook excel = ExcelMapper.toExcel(model);
    PurchaseOrderTemplate fromModel = ExcelMapper.fromExcel(excel, PurchaseOrderTemplate.class);

Model to Streaming Excel (SXSSF)

public class ExcelMapperSpec {

    public void model_to_stream_excel() throws IOException {
      PurchaseOrderTemplate model = this.createModel();
      Workbook excel = ExcelMapper.toExcel(model, new SXSSFWorkbook(50));

Create your own model

Let's see how to customize your own model based on the PurchaseOrderTemplate example.


Add @Excel annotaion to your model.

    defaultStyle = @CellStyle(
        font = @Font(fontName = "Arial")
    dateFormatZoneId = "Asia/Seoul"
public class PurchaseOrderTemplate {


Annotation Description

attribute type default description
defaultStyle @CellStyle @CellStyle Default cell style of excel
dateFormatZoneId String Empty Zone ID to be used when converting dates. If empty, is uses system default zone


    defaultStyle = @CellStyle(
        font = @Font(fontName = "Arial")
    dateFormatZoneId = "Asia/Seoul"
public class PurchaseOrderTemplate {

      name = "Order",
      index = 0,
      columnWidths = {
          @ColumnWidth(column = 0, width = 25)
      defaultColumnWidth = 20,
      defaultRowHeightInPoints = 20
  private OrderSheet sheet;

Annotation Description

attribute type default description
name String None(Required) sheet name
index int None((Required)) sheet index
protect boolean false sheet protect or not
protectKey String Empty String sheet protect key
columnWidths Array of @ColumnWidth Empty Specific column width
defaultRowHeightInPoints int 20 Default row height of sheet
defaultColumnWidth int 20 Default column width of sheet
defaultStyle @CellStyle @Excel.defaultStyle Default cell style of sheet


The sample of OrderSheet.

public class OrderSheet {

      row = 0,
      defaultStyle = @CellStyle(
          font = @Font(fontHeightInPoints = 20)
      heightInPoints = 40
  TitleRow titleRow;

      row = 2,
      match = Match.REQUIRED,
      headers = {
          @Header(name = "VENDOR", mappings = {"vendorTitle", "vendorValue"}),
          @Header(name = "SHIP TO", mappings = {"toTitle", "toValue"})
      headerStyle = @CellStyle(
          font = @Font(color = IndexedColors.WHITE),
          fillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.DARK_BLUE,
          fillPattern = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND
  List<InfoRow> infoTable;

      rowAfter = "infoTable",
      rowAfterOffset = 1,
      match = Match.REQUIRED,
      headers = {
          @Header(name = "REQUESTER", mappings = {"requester"}),
          @Header(name = "SHIP VIA", mappings = {"via"}),
          @Header(name = "F.O.B", mappings = {"fob"}),
          @Header(name = "SHIPPING TERMS", mappings = {"terms"}),
          @Header(name = "DELIVERY DATE", mappings = {"deliveryDate"})
      headerStyle = @CellStyle(
          font = @Font(color = IndexedColors.WHITE),
          fillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.DARK_BLUE,
          fillPattern = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND
      dataStyle = @CellStyle(
          borderTop = BorderStyle.THIN,
          borderBottom = BorderStyle.THIN,
          borderLeft = BorderStyle.THIN,
          borderRight = BorderStyle.THIN
  List<ShipRow> shipTable;

      rowAfter = "shipTable",
      rowAfterOffset = 1,
      match = Match.REQUIRED,
      headers = {
          @Header(name = "ITEM", mappings = {"name"}),
          @Header(name = "DESCRIPTION", mappings = {"description"}),
          @Header(name = "QTY", mappings = {"qty"}),
          @Header(name = "UNIT PRICE", mappings = {"unitPrice"}),
          @Header(name = "TOTAL", mappings = {"total"})
      headerStyle = @CellStyle(
          font = @Font(color = IndexedColors.WHITE),
          fillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.DARK_BLUE,
          fillPattern = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND
      dataStyle = @CellStyle(
          borderTop = BorderStyle.THIN,
          borderBottom = BorderStyle.THIN,
          borderLeft = BorderStyle.THIN,
          borderRight = BorderStyle.THIN
  List<ItemRow> itemTable;

  @Row(rowAfter = "itemTable")
  SummaryRow summaryRow;


Annotation Description

attribute type default description
row int 0 Index of row
rowAfter String Empty String If it is not empty, it is placed after a specific row. You can specify the row field name of the sheet model.
rowAfterOffset int 0 If rowAfter is specified, it is offset from the specified row.
heightInPoints int @Sheet.defaultRowHeightInPoints Specified row height.
defaultStyle @CellStyle @Sheet.defaultStyle Default cell style of row


@Datarows should be annotated in List.class. (Other collection class not supported yet.)

Annotation Description

attribute type default description
row int 0 Index of row
rowAfter String Empty String If it is not empty, it is placed after a end of specific row. You can specify the row field name of the sheet model.
rowAfterOffset int 0 If rowAfter is specified, it is offset from the specified row.
headerHeightInPoints int @Sheet.defaultRowHeightInPoints Specified header row height.
headerStyle @CellStyle @Sheet.defaultStyle Default cell style of header row
headers Array of @Header Empty Array of Headers
arrayHeaders Array of @ArrayHeader Empty Array of ArrayHeaders
hideHeader boolean false Whether hide headers or not
dataHeightInPoints int @Sheet.defaultRowHeightInPoints Specified data row height.
dataStyle @CellStyle @Sheet.defaultStyle Default cell style of data row
match Match Match.ALL DataRow recognition condition when converting Excel to model


Row recognition condition when converting Excel to model.

option description
ALL All column values must exist to be recognized as DataRow.
REQUIRED If only the value of the column annotated with @Cell.required exists, it is recognized as DataRow.
STOP_ON_BLANK It is recognized as a data row until it encounters a blank row.


Annotation Description

attribute type default description
column int 0 Index of column
cols int 1 The number of columns to be merged
columnAfter String Empty String If it is not empty, it is placed after a end of specific cell. You can specify the cell field name of the row model.
columnAfterOffset int 0 If columnAfter is specified, it is offset from the specified cell.
cellType CellType None(Required) CellType of cell
ignoreParse boolean false When converting Excel to Model, do not bind values.
required boolean false Required value when converting Excel to Model. See Match
headers Array of @Header Empty Array of Headers
style @CellStyle @Row.defaultStyle, @DataRows.defaultStyle cell style


Annotation Description

attribute type default description
column int 0 Index of column
cols int 1 The number of columns to be merged
columnAfter String Empty String If it is not empty, it is placed after a end of specific cell. You can specify the cell field name of the row model.
columnAfterOffset int 0 If columnAfter is specified, it is offset from the specified cell.
cellType CellType None(Required) CellType of cell
ignoreParse boolean false When converting Excel to Model, do not bind values.
required boolean false Required value when converting Excel to Model. See Match
headers Array of @Header Empty Array of Headers
style @CellStyle @Row.defaultStyle, @DataRows.defaultStyle cell style
size int 0 The size of the array cells. When reading or writing cells, only the size is applied. You can resize dynamically at runtime by referring to the following documentation:The size of the array cells. When reading or writing cells, only the size is applied. You can resize dynamically at runtime by referring to the following documentation


This is the CellType enums. If the model class does not match CellType, it will not be converted.

option Matching Java Class description
NONE Any When creating Excel, do not assign a specific cell type to the cell.
STRING String -
NUMERIC Double,Float,Long,Short,BigDecimal,BigInteger,Integer -
BLANK None When creating an Excel, it becomes an empty cell, and the value is not converted when reading the Excel.
BOOLEAN Boolean -
DATE LocalDate,LocalDateTime -
FORMULA String You can use the FormulaAddressExpression to write native formulas in Excel with specific cell locations in the model.


It is an expression that converts a specific cell location in the model to an Excel address such as (A1,B2....)

Only addresses within the same sheet can be converted.

expression example description
{{rowFiledName.cellFieldName}} titleRow.title If titleRow's row is 0 and title's column is 0, return A1
{{rowFiledName[last].cellFieldName}} itemTable[last].total Works only in DataRows. If itemTable's end row is 15 and total's column is 5, return F16. See SummaryRow sample
{{rowFiledName[Number].cellFieldName}} itemTable[0].total Works only in DataRows. If itemTable's start row is 13 and total's column is 5, return F14. See SummaryRow sample
{{rowFiledName.cellFieldName[last]}} itemTable.qty[last] Works only in ArrayCell. See Dynamic Array Cell sample
{{rowFiledName.cellFieldName[Number]}} itemTable.qty[0] Works only in ArrayCell. See Dynamic Array Cell sample
{{this.cellFieldName}} this.qty Works only in DataRows. expression this means cell's current row. If the qty's current row is 13 and qty's coumn is 3, return D14. See ItemRow sample

Row model samples includes cells.

The samples of row model includes cells.


public class TitleRow {

      column = 0,
      cols = 6,
      cellType = CellType.STRING,
      ignoreParse = true
  private String title = "PURCHASE ORDER";


public class InfoRow {

      column = 0,
      cellType = CellType.STRING
  private String vendorTitle;

      column = 1,
      cols = 2,
      cellType = CellType.STRING,
      required = true
  private String vendorValue;

      column = 3,
      cellType = CellType.STRING
  private String toTitle;

      column = 4,
      cols = 2,
      cellType = CellType.STRING,
      required = true
  private String toValue;


public class ShipRow {

      column = 0,
      cellType = CellType.STRING
  private String requester;

      column = 1,
      cellType = CellType.STRING
  private String via;

      column = 2,
      cellType = CellType.STRING
  private String fob;

      column = 3,
      cols = 2,
      cellType = CellType.STRING
  private String terms;

      column = 5,
      cellType = CellType.DATE,
      style = @CellStyle(dataFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"),
      required = true
  private LocalDate deliveryDate;


public class ItemRow {

      column = 0,
      cellType = CellType.STRING,
      required = true
  private String name;

      column = 1,
      cols = 2,
      cellType = CellType.STRING,
      required = true
  private String description;

      column = 3,
      cellType = CellType.NUMERIC,
      required = true
  private long qty;

      column = 4,
      cellType = CellType.NUMERIC,
      style = @CellStyle(dataFormat = "#,##0.00"),
      required = true
  private BigDecimal unitPrice;

      column = 5,
      cellType = CellType.FORMULA,
      style = @CellStyle(
          dataFormat = "#,##0.00",
          fillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.GREY_25_PERCENT,
          fillPattern = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND
      ignoreParse = true
  private String total = "product({{this.qty}},{{this.unitPrice}})";


public class SummaryRow {

      column = 4,
      cellType = CellType.STRING,
      ignoreParse = true
  private String title = "SUBTOTAL";

      column = 5,
      cellType = CellType.FORMULA,
      style = @CellStyle(
          fillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.AQUA,
          fillPattern = FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND
      ignoreParse = true
  private String formula = "SUM({{itemTable[0].total}}:{{itemTable[last].total}})";


Annotation Description

attribute type default description
font @Font @Font font of cell
dataFormat String General DataFormat of cell. See BuiltinFormats.
In addition to BuiltinFormats, you can also use generic dateFormats (such as yyyy.MM.dd).
hidden boolean false whether the cell's using this style are to be hidden
locked boolean false whether the cell's using this style are to be locked
quotePrefixed boolean false Is "Quote Prefix" or "123 Prefix" enabled for the cell
alignment HorizontalAlignment GENERAL the type of horizontal alignment for the cell
wrapText boolean false whether the text should be wrapped
verticalAlignment VerticalAlignment BOTTOM the type of vertical alignment for the cell
rotation short 0 the degree of rotation for the text in the cell.
indention short 0 the number of spaces to indent the text in the cell.
borderLeft BorderStyle NONE the type of border to use for the left border of the cell
borderRight BorderStyle NONE the type of border to use for the right border of the cell
borderTop BorderStyle NONE the type of border to use for the top border of the cell
borderBottom BorderStyle NONE the type of border to use for the bottom border of the cell
leftBorderColor IndexedColors AUTOMATIC the color to use for the left border
rightBorderColor IndexedColors AUTOMATIC the color to use for the right border
topBorderColor IndexedColors AUTOMATIC the color to use for the top border
bottomBorderColor IndexedColors AUTOMATIC the color to use for the bottom border
fillPattern FillPatternType NO_FILL the fill pattern
fillBackgroundColor IndexedColors AUTOMATIC the background fill color
fillForegroundColor IndexedColors AUTOMATIC the foreground fill color
shrinkToFit boolean false Should the Cell be auto-sized by Excel to shrink it to fit if this text is too long


attribute type default description
fontName String Arial the name for the font
fontHeightInPoints short 10 the font height
italic boolean false whether to use italics or not
strikeout boolean false whether to use a strikeout horizontal line through the text or not
color IndexedColors AUTOMATIC the color for the font
typeOffset short 0 0 = NONE, 1 = SUPER, 2 = SUB
underline short 0 type of text underlining to use. 0 = NONE, 1 = SINGLE, 2 = DOUBLE, SINGLE_ACCOUNTING = 0x21, DOUBLE_ACCOUNTING = 0x22
bold boolean false whether to use bold or not


attribute type default description
mappings Array of String Empty These are the cell field names of the datarow to be mapped.
style @CellStyle @DataRows.defaultStyle cell style


attribute type default description
mapping Array of String Empty The cell field name of the datarow to be mapped.
style @CellStyle @DataRows.defaultStyle cell style
simpleNameExpression String {{index}} Simply indicate the header name of the array cell using the provided index string. YAt runtime, you can use a separate expression class to express more specific values


attribute type default description
column int None(Required) column index of sheet
width int None(Required) column width


Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004

Contact && Issue

If you find a bug or want to improve the function, please create a github issue.

Any other questions: [email protected]

Author Seungpil Park, Megazone Inc.