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MiDAS website

Deployment link:


The website is built in a way that enables easy updates of dynamic data. Simply use ./scripts/ to assemble the website. You may need to install dependencies pip3 install -r requirements.txt. Upon completion, the script will put the website in ./dist directory.

Alternatively, if you have Docker installed, use the following one-liner:

docker run -it -v ${PWD}:/code dbogatov/docker-images:python-extras-latest /code/scripts/

How to change dynamic data

Look at configs. You need to modify these files according to commented instructions and using examples in these files. Afterwards use ./scripts/ to assemble the website, and open HTML from ./dist directory.

It is possible to make slight text changes to the HTML page, just be sure it does not break the layout.


The deployment is done through GitHub pages. GitHub hosts a content of gh-pages branch. To push to this branch we have a convenient script ./scripts/ What it does is it pushes a subtree (the dist directory) to the branch. Run this script to publish the latest commit (note that you need to commit to master first, and your working needs to be clean).

Template and files in the root

We have purchased this template for our website. We used a tiny fraction of its content. If you want to add a section or a page, look at the template, it may already have it.

The files in the root are for development purposes and are not published. .dockerignore, Dockerfile and nginx.conf allow to build a docker image with the website (e.g., for Kubernetes). .editorconfig defines some formatting rules. .gitlab-ci.yml define CI configuration (GitLab format), it builds/tests/publishes the website, but does so internally using pre-configured Gitlab. requirements.txt define pip packages needed to assemble the website. You may safely ignore these files.