Discord.py Console is a command line tool that allows you to control your bot and execute commands,
so you can use your Bot in the terminal/console and run Discord commands as usual.
(Works with all discord.py forks like py-cord/pycord or nextcord)
py -3 -m pip install discord.py-Console
python3 -m pip install discord.py-Console
The implementation is similar to the regular commands in discord.py. Just implement the discord.py-Console like this:
import discord
from dpyConsole import Console
client = discord.Client(intents=discord.Intents.all())
my_console = Console(client)
async def on_ready():
print("I'm Ready")
async def hey(user: discord.User): # Library automatically converts type annotations, just like in discord.py
Library can handle both synchronous or asynchronous functions
print(f"Sending message to {user.name} id: = {user.id}")
await user.send(f"Hello from Console Im {client.user.name}")
my_console.start() # Starts console listener (opens new Thread to be nonblocking)
To execute the mentioned command run hey exampleUser#0001
or hey <valid_user_id>
Note: You can split up discord.py-Console commands into cogs view an example in the Example folder.