C# weather api
Very easy code for receive weather from http://openweathermap.org/ or from http://met.no/ with few lines of code you can get temperature, wind speed, humidity, pressure...
Wiki: https://github.com/Miro382/CSharp_Weather/wiki/Open-Weather-Mapusing CSharp_Weather;
Weather weather = new Weather("123456789101112131415", Weather.Celsius);
string temp = weather.weatherinfo.Temperature + weather.UnitSymbol();
Open Weather Map is free for commercial use.
If you want weather of your country capital city use
using CSharp_Weather;
CityLocator cityloc = new CityLocator();
WeatherMET weather = new WeatherMET();
string temp = weather.weatherinfo.Temperature;
MET Norway is free for commercial use if you attribute them: http://api.met.no/license_data.html
CityLocator is for receive latitude and longtitude from city name.
This version only work for current weather. No forecast.
Current version: 1.0.0