This repository contains an exploratory data analysis (EDA) of a dataset of Google Play Store apps. The dataset includes information on various app characteristics such as category, rating, reviews, size, installs, price, content rating, genres, last updated date, current version, and required Android version.
The dataset used in this analysis can be found here. It contains 10,841 entries with the following columns:
App Category Rating Reviews Size Installs Type Price Content Rating Genres Last Updated Current Ver Android Ver
Linke dataset: initial observations:
The "Rating" column has missing values. The "Reviews", "Size", "Installs", and "Price" columns need conversion to numerical formats for analysis. There are a few missing values in "Type", "Content Rating", "Current Ver", and "Android Ver". Next, we'll clean the data and perform exploratory data analysis (EDA) to answer common business questions. Here are some typical questions we can address:
What are the most common categories of apps? What is the distribution of app ratings? How do app sizes vary across categories? What is the relationship between the number of reviews and the app rating? What are the most common genres? How do free and paid apps compare in terms of ratings and number of installs?
The most common app categories are dominated by "Family", followed by "Game", "Tools", "Medical", and "Business".
Distribution of App Ratings
The majority of apps have ratings between 4.0 and 4.5, indicating that most apps are well-received by users.
Variation of App Sizes Across Categories
There is considerable variation in app sizes across different categories. Categories like "Game" and "Family" have a wider range of app sizes, while "Medical" and "Business" tend to have smaller sizes.
Relationship Between Number of Reviews and App Rating
There is no clear correlation between the number of reviews and the app rating. Apps with a very high number of reviews tend to maintain high ratings, but there are outliers.
- Most Common Genres
The most common genres include "Tools", "Entertainment", "Education", "Business", and "Productivity".
- Comparison of Free and Paid Apps
Free and paid apps have similar ratings, with a slight edge towards free apps.
Free apps generally have a higher number of installs compared to paid apps, which is expected due to the cost barrier.
App Development: Focusing on popular categories like "Family", "Game", and "Tools" could be beneficial due to high user interest. Marketing: Emphasizing the unique features and quality can help apps stand out, particularly in crowded categories. Pricing Strategy: Offering a free version with optional in-app purchases might attract more users and increase installs.