- simple bash file contain simple commands for dealing with sound manager "Amixer" .
- if you do not have amixer in your linux system, this script file does not work !
- so , make sure to have a update version of amixer !
- make sound on/off
- make sound low/high
.1 you can download zip directly from green button in repo or you can clone it using terminal .
note : you can use this script directly but you need to be in same path for execute it .
./soundMaster -h
if you want to install script for access it from anywhere in system follow this easy steps : 1 make folder called bin in home folder
cd ~ && mkdir bin
2 copy or move soundMaster.bash to this bin folder "use your way for copy/move"
3 go back to home & open .profile file with any text editor like gedit
cd ~ && gedit .profile
4 now look at line contain PATH="....." & added soundMaster.bash path to PATH="...." in last
example ! PATH="$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/bin/soundMaster.bash"
5 now script is ready but we need to make a simple alias as last step
alias soundMaster=soundMaster.bash
- ==== help message ====
soundMaster -h
- ==== sound on/off ====
soundMaster -on
soundMaster -off
- ==== sound low/high ====
soundMaster -l 50%
soundMaster -h 20%
if you want to do some enhancement , you're welcome .