- 🤖 Introduction
- 🛠️ Tech Stack
- 🚀 Features
- 🤸 Quick Start
- 👏 Credits
Scoutproperties is a real estate application where property agents or owners can register and post properties for rent or sale. Users can search for houses, apartments, condos or land and contact the agent or owner to buy or rent the property.
- React
- TypeScript
- TailwindCSS
- Cloudinary
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB
- OpenAPI
👉 Register: Users can sign up and create a personal profile.
👉 Login: Users can login into their account.
👉 Update Profile: Users can update their profile.
👉 View Properties: Users can view all properties without being logged in.
👉 Search and filter Properties: Users can search and filter for properties without being logged in.
👉 Create property listings: Logged in users(property owners or agents) can create property listings.
👉 Image Upload Widget using Cloudinary: Users can upload profile avatars or images for a property listing within the app using Cloudinary Image Upload Widget.
👉 Send Email: Users can send an email to the property owner or agent to buy or rent property.
👉 Fully Responsive UI: The application works seamlessly on all device types and screen sizes.
Follow these steps to set up the project locally on your machine.
Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:
Cloning the Repository
git clone https://github.com/Mupa1/scoutproperties.git
cd scoutproperties
Install the project dependencies using yarn:
cd client
yarn install
cd server
yarn install
Set Up Environment Variables
cd client
Create a new file named .env.local in the root of your client directory and add the following content:
cd server
Create a new file named .env
in the root of your server directory and add the following content including your MongoDB database URL and any JWT secret key:
Running the Project
Ensure both client and server are running.
cd client
yarn dev
cd server
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:4173 in your browser to view the project.
Testing the API Endpoint
Through OpenAPI Documentation:
Open http://localhost:3000/api-docs in your browser to view the API documentation and test the API endpoints.
Through Postman:
Open http://localhost:3000 in Postman to test the various API endpoints.
The listings images are from Unsplash.