A set of scripts to bag things according to the bagit specification, along with creation of metadata files that APTrust require. Ingests to APTrust S3 buckets, verifies S3 upload, records audit data to text file and to DAEV (digital asset management system).
Copy config.yml.example to config.yml, and fill in with your own values
- bags_base_dir: a staging area where bags will be created (must have sufficient space available)
- audit_file: the location of a file which will be used to store metadata for successfully transmitted bags
- institution: your APTrust institution code (example: ncsu)
- receiving_bucket: the address of the S3 receiving bucket - you can set both test and production versions
The Python S3 client (boto3) also expects that a file with the bucket keys reside in ~/.aws/credentials in the form:
aws_access_key_id = access_key_here
aws_secret_access_key = secret_access_key_here
cd path/to/script
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
This script is meant to be run inside a virtualenv (unless you install the dependencies globally), so you must activate the virtualenv before running it. You can either do this by activating the virtualenv the same way as in the installation (source venv/bin/activate), or call the script using the virtualenvs version of python:
/path/to/virtualenv/bin/python aptrust-bagit.py [args here]
Here is information about the various arguments you can provide to the script:
usage: aptrust-bagit.py [-h] [-b BAG] [-a ACCESS] [-p] [-v] directory
Bag a directory and send it to an APTrust S3 receiving bucket
positional arguments:
directory The directory to bag/ingest
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BAG, --bag BAG Name to give the bag (default is the directory name)
-a ACCESS, --access ACCESS
APTrust access level for bag (can be either:
consortia, institution, or restricted - default is
-p, --production Ingest to production instance
-v, --verbose Provide more output
Since larger bags may take a while to transmit, it is recommended to use nohup to run this script so you can disconnect from your SSH session (if running manually). See send_dir_to_aptrust.py for an example of how to do this, or run that script instead of aptrust-bagit.py (it defaults to submitting to the test instance of APTrust right now)
For each bag, as part of the bagging process, the following information is kept:
- Checksums for each file in the bag (manifest-md5.txt, tagmanifest-md5.txt)
- Bag name, access level (aptrust-info.txt)
- Bagging date, payload oxum, bagging agent (bag-info.txt)
- Bagit version information (bagit.txt)
In addition to this, the following information is recorded for successfully transmitted bags in audit.txt:
- Date/Time
- Bag Name
- Location/Name of tar file
- Original directory that was bagged
- Access level
- Whether it was submitted to test vs. production
Errors in transmission or bagging are also recorded in logs/error.log
- Use APTrust API to verify bag appears there, get identifiers & store locally