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A toolset built on NVIDIA Isaac Sim that allows you to easily collect data for mobile robots.

Read below to learn more.


MobilityGen is a toolset built on NVIDIA Isaac Sim that enables you to easily generate and collect data for mobile robots.

It supports

  • Rich ground truth data

    • Occupancy Map
    • Pose
    • Joint Positions / Velocities
    • RGB Images
    • Segmentation Images
    • Depth Images
    • Instance Segmentation Images
    • Normals Images
    • If you're interested in more, let us know!
  • Many robot types

    • Differential drive - Jetbot, Carter
    • Quadruped - Spot
    • Humanoid - H1
    • Implement your own by subclassing the Robot class
  • Many data collection methods

    • Manual - Keyboard Teleoperation, Gamepad Teleoperation
    • Automated - Random Accelerations, Random Path Following
    • Implement your own by subclassing the Scenario class

This enables you to train models and test algorithms related to robot mobility.

To get started with MobilityGen follow the setup and usage instructions below!

Table of Contents

πŸ› οΈ Setup

Follow these steps to set up MobilityGen

Step 1 - Install Isaac Sim

  1. Download Isaac Sim 4.5.0

    We'll assume you use the zip file and extract it to ~/isaacsim.

Step 2 - Clone this repository

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone <repo_url> MobilityGen

Remember the path you cloned to for the next step.

Step 3 - Link Isaac Sim

Next, we'll call to link the Isaac Sim installation directory to the local app folder.

  1. Navigate to the repo root

    cd MobilityGen
  2. Run the following to link the app folder and pass it the path to where you installed Isaac Sim

    ./ --path ~/isaacsim
> This step is helpful as it (1) Enables us to use VS code autocompletion (2) Allows us to call ./app/ to launch Isaac Sim Python scripts (3) Allows us to call ./app/ to launch Isaac Sim.

Step 4 - Install other python dependencies (including C++ path planner) (for procedural generation)

  1. Install miscellaneous python dependencies

    ./app/ -m pip install tqdm
  2. Navigate to the path planner directory

    cd MobilityGen/path_planner
  3. Install with pip using the Isaac Sim python interpreter

    ../app/ -m pip install -e .

    Note: If you run into an error related to pybind11 while running this command, you may try ../app/ -m pip install wheel and/or ../app/ -m pip install pybind11[global].

Step 4 - Launch Isaac Sim

  1. Navigate to the repo root

    cd MobilityGen
  2. Launch Isaac Sim with required extensions enabled by calling


That's it! If everything worked, you should see Isaac Sim open with a window titled MobilityGen appear.

Read Usage below to learn how to generate data with MobilityGen.

πŸ‘ Basic Usage

Below details a typical workflow for collecting data with MobilityGen.

Step 1 - Launch Isaac Sim

  1. Navigate to the repo root

    cd MobilityGen
  2. Launch Isaac Sim with required extensions enabled by calling


Step 2 - Build a scenario

This assumes you see the MobilityGen extension window.

  1. Under Scene USD URL / Path copy and paste the following
  2. Under the Scenario dropdown select KeyboardTeleoperationScenario to start

  3. Under the Robot dropdown select H1Robot

  4. Click Build

After a few seconds, you should see the scene and occupancy map appear.

Step 3 - Initialize / reset the scenario

  1. Click the Reset function to randomly initialize the scenario. Do this until the robot spawns inside the warehouse.

Step 4 - Test drive the robot

Before you start recording, try moving the robot around to get a feel for it

To move the robot, use the following keys

  • W - Move Forward
  • A - Turn Left
  • S - Move Backwards
  • D - Turn right

Step 5 - Start recording!

Once you're comfortable, you can record a log.

  1. Click Start Recording to start recording a log.

    You should now see a recording name and the recording duration change.

  2. Move the robot around

  3. Click Stop Recording to stop recording.

The data is recorded to ~/MobilityGenData/recordings by default.

Step 6 - Render data

If you've gotten this far, you've recorded a trajectory, but it doesn't include the rendered sensor data.

Rendering the sensor data is done offline. To do this call the following

  1. Close Isaac Sim if it's running

  2. Navigate to the repo root

    cd MobilityGen
  3. Run the scripts/ script to replay and render all recordings in the directory

    python scripts/ --render_interval=200

    Note: For speed for this tutorial, we use a render interval of 200. If our physics timestep is 200 FPS, this means we render 1 image per second.

That's it! Now the data with renderings should be stored in ~/MobilityGenData/replays.

Step 7 - Visualize the Data

We provide a few examples in the examples folder for working with the data.

One example is using Gradio to explore all of the recordings in the replays directory. To run this example, call the following

  1. Call the gradio data visualization example script

    python examples/
  2. Open your web browser to to explore the data

If everything worked, you should be able to view the data in the browser.

Next steps

That's it! Once you've gotten the hang of how to record data, you might try

  1. Record data using one of the procedural methods (like RandomAccelerationScenario or RandomPathFollowingScenario).

    These methods don't rely on human input, and automatically "restart" when finished to create new recordings.

  2. Implement or customize your own Robot class.

  3. Implement or customize your own Scenario class.

If you find MobilityGen helpful for your use case, run in to issues, or have any questions please let us know!.

πŸ’‘ How To Guides

How to record procedural data

Step 1 - Launch Isaac Sim

This is the same as in the basic usage.

  1. Navigate to the repo root

    cd MobilityGen
  2. Launch Isaac Sim with required extensions enabled by calling


Step 2 - Build a scenario

  1. Under Scene USD URL / Path copy and paste the following
  2. Under the Scenario dropdown select RandomPathFollowingScenario or RandomAccelerationScenario

  3. Under the Robot dropdown select H1Robot

  4. Click Build

After a few seconds, you should see the scene and occupancy map appear.

Step 3 - Record data

  1. Click Start Recording to start recording data

  2. Go grab some coffee!

    The procedural generated methods automatically determine when to reset (ie: if the robot collides with an object and needs to respawn). If you run into any issues with the procedural methods getting stuck, please let us know.

  3. Click Stop Recording to stop recording data.

The data is recorded to ~/MobilityGenData/recordings by default.

Step 4 - Render and visualize sensor data

This is the same as before. Please refer to Step 6-7 of the "Basic Usage" guide.

How to implement a new robot

You can implement a new robot for use with MobilityGen.

The general workflow is as follows:

  1. Subclass the Robot class.
  2. Implement the build() method. This method is responsible for adding the robot to the USD stage.
  3. Implement the write_action() method. This method performs the logic of applying the linear, angular velocity command.
  4. Overwrite the common class parameters (like physics_dt, occupancy_map_z_min, etc.)
  5. Register the robot class by using the ROBOT.register() decorator. This makes the custom robot discoverable.

We recommend referencing the example robots in for more details.

A good way to start could be simply by modifying an existing robot. For example, you might change the position at which the camera is mounted on the H1 robot.

How to implement a new scenario

You can implement a new data recording scenario for use with MobilityGen.

The general workflow is as follows:

  1. Subclass the Scenario class.
  2. Implement the reset() method. This method is responsible for randomizing / initializing the scenario (ie: spawning the robot).
  3. Implement the step() method. This method is responsible for incrementing the scenario by one physics step.
  4. Register the scenario class by using the SCENARIOS.register() decorator. This makes the custom scenario discoverable.

We recommend referencing the example scenarios in for more details.

A good way to start could be simply by modifying an existing scenario. For example, you might implement a new method for generating random motions.

πŸ“ Data Format

MobilityGen records two types of data.

  • Static Data is recorded at the beginning of a recording
    • Occupancy map
    • Configuration info
      • Robot type
      • Scenario type
      • Scene USD URL
    • USD Stage
  • State Data is recorded at each physics timestep
    • Robot action: Linear, angular velocity
    • Robot pose: Position, quaternion
    • Robot joint Positions / Velocities
    • Robot sensor data:
      • Depth image
      • RGB Image
      • Segmentation image / info
      • Instance Segmentation
      • Normals

This data can easily be read using the Reader class.

from reader import Reader

reader = Reader(recording_path="replays/2025-01-17T16:44:33.006521")

print(len(reader)) # print number of timesteps

state_dict = reader.read_state_dict(0)  # read timestep 0

The state_dict has the following schema

    "robot.action": np.ndarray,                                      # [2] - Linear, angular command velocity
    "robot.position": np.ndarray,                                    # [3] - XYZ
    "robot.orientation": np.ndarray,                                 # [4] - Quaternion
    "robot.joint_positions": np.ndarray,                             # [J] - Joint positions
    "robot.joint_velocities": np.ndarray,                            # [J] - Joint velocities
    "robot.front_camera.left.rgb_image": np.ndarray,                 # [HxWx3], np.uint8 - RGB image
    "robot.front_camera.left.depth_image": np.ndarray,               # [HxW], np.fp32 - Depth in meters
    "robot.front_camera.left.segmentation_image": np.ndarray,        # [HxW], np.uint8 - Segmentation class index
    "robot.front_camera.left.segmentation_info": dict,               # see Isaac replicator segmentation info format
    "robot.front_camera.left.position": np.ndarray,                  # [3] - XYZ camera world position
    "robot.front_camera.left.orientation": np.ndarray,               # [4] - Quaternion camera world orientation

The Reader class abstracts away the details of reading the state dictionary from the recording.

In case you're interested, each recording is represented as a directory with the following structure


Most of the state information is captured under the state/common folder, as dictionary in a single .npy file.

However, for some data (images) this is inefficient. These instead get captured in their own folder based on the data type and the name. (ie: rgb/robot.front_camera.left.depth_image).

The name of each file corresponds to its physics timestep.

If you have any questions regarding the data logged by MobilityGen, please let us know!

πŸ‘ Contributing

This Developer Certificate of Origin applies to this project.

Core Contributor

John Welsh, Huihua Zhao, Vikram Ramasamy, Wei Liu, Joydeep Biswas, Soha Pouya, Yan Chang