Prometheus Exporter for Tendermint based blockchains.
This project started out as a fork of Cosmos-IE by Node A-Team. I'd like to express my greatest gratitude and appreciation to them for initiating and open-sourcing their awesome work. Since the fork it has undergone a few significant rewrites, refactors and design changes. Though semi-stable, Cendermint is still very much a work-in-progress so please proceed with caution.
Click to view
- Cosmos(
) - IRISnet(
) - Umme (
) - Osmosis (
) - Juno (
) - Akash (
) - Regen (
) - Microtick (
) - NYM (
) - EVMOS (
) - Rizon (
) - Stargaze (
) - Chihuahua (
) - Gravity Bridge (
) - Lum (
) - Provenance (
) - Crescent (
) - Sifchain (
) - Any Tendermint chain really
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone
$ cd $HOME/Cendermint
$ go build
# Important!!! Remember to fill out config.env
$ ./Cendermint run
$ docker run --name cendermint -dt --restart on-failure -v <your_dir>:/root --net="host" --env-file ./config.env<tag> Cendermint run && docker logs cendermint -f --since 1m
Again, remember to create a config.env
under <your_dir>
and have it filled out.
Click to view
Name | Type | Tags | Description |
cendermint_chain_blockHeight |
Gauge | - | Current blockchain height |
cendermint_chain_block_interval |
Gauge | - | Interval between blocks |
cendermint_staking_bonded_ratio |
Gauge | - | Bonded stake ratio in the network |
cendermint_staking_bonded_tokens |
Gauge | - | Bonded stake amount in the network |
cendermint_staking_not_bonded_tokens |
Gauge | - | Unbonded stake amount in the network |
cendermint_staking_total_supply |
Gauge | - | Total token supply in the network |
cendermint_slashing_downtime_jail_duration |
Gauge | - | Downtime duration before getting jailed |
cendermint_slashing_min_signed_per_window |
Gauge | - | Minimum number of blocks that need to be signed per signing window before getting jailed |
cendermint_slashing_signed_blocks_window |
Gauge | - | Number of blocks in a signing window |
cendermint_slashing_slash_fraction_double_sign |
Gauge | - | % of stake to be slashed in the event of a double sign |
cendermint_slashing_slash_fraction_downtime |
Gauge | - | % of stake to be slashed in the event of downtime |
cendermint_slashing_start_Height |
Gauge | - | The first block the validator signed on the current chain |
cendermint_slashing_index_offset |
Gauge | - | The index used to check if the validator has crossed below the liveness threshold over a sliding window |
cendermint_slashing_jailed_until |
Gauge | - | Most recent jailed_until date/time of the validator recorded on chain |
cendermint_slashing_tombstoned |
Gauge | - | Whether the validator is tombstoned (i.e. double sign) [0] False - [1] True |
cendermint_slashing_missed_blocks_counter |
Gauge | - | Total number of blocks the validator missed since last unjail |
cendermint_minting_actual_inflation |
Gauge | - | Actual inflation in the network |
cendermint_minting_inflation |
Gauge | - | Default inflation in the network |
cendermint_gov_total_proposal_count |
Gauge | - | Total number of proposals ever submitted in the network |
cendermint_gov_voting_proposal_count |
Gauge | - | Number of proposals currently in voting |
cendermint_gov_voting_proposal_voted_count |
Gauge | - | Number of in-voting proposals that the validator voted |
cendermint_gov_voting_proposal_did_not_vote_count |
Gauge | - | Number of in-voting proposals that the validator didn't vote |
cendermint_validator_voting_power |
Gauge | - | Voting power of the validator |
cendermint_validator_min_self_delegation |
Gauge | - | Minimum self delegation amount of the validator |
cendermint_validator_jail_status |
Gauge | - | Jail status of the validator [0] Active - [1] Jailed |
cendermint_validator_delegation_shares |
Gauge | - | Total number of delegated tokens of the validator |
cendermint_validator_delegation_ratio |
Gauge | - | Ratio of the validator's bonded stake to the network's total bonded stake |
cendermint_validator_commission_rate |
Gauge | - | Commission rate of the validator |
cendermint_validator_commission_max_rate |
Gauge | - | Maximum commission rate of the validator |
cendermint_validator_commission_max_change_rate |
Gauge | - | Maximum change rate of the validator's commission |
cendermint_validator_balances_uatom |
Gauge | - | Available balance of the validator |
cendermint_validator_commission_uatom |
Gauge | - | Available commission of the validator |
cendermint_validator_rewards_uatom |
Gauge | - | Available self-delegation rewards of the validator |
cendermint_validator_precommit_status |
Gauge | - | Precommit status of the validator [0] Missed - [1] Signed |
cendermint_validator_proposer_status |
Gauge | - | Proposer status of the validator [0] Not the proposer - [1] Proposer |
cendermint_validator_last_signed_height |
Gauge | - | The last height the validator signed |
cendermint_validator_miss_count |
Gauge | - | Number of blocks missed since the validator last signed |
cendermint_validator_miss_consecutive |
Gauge | - | The validator has missed two blocks in a row |
cendermint_validator_miss_threshold |
Gauge | - | The validator has missed >= threshold block since s/he last signed |
cendermint_upgrade_planned |
Gauge | - | If there is a chain upgrade planned |
cendermint_ibc_channels_total |
Gauge | - | Total number of ibc channels in the network |
cendermint_ibc_channels_open |
Gauge | - | Total number of open ibc channels in the network |
cendermint_ibc_connections_total |
Gauge | - | Total number of ibc connections in the network |
cendermint_ibc_connections_open |
Gauge | - | Total number of open ibc connections in the network |
cendermint_labels_node_info |
Counter | - | The following labels are currently avaialble: app_name ; binary_name ; chain_id ; git_commit ; go_version ; node_id ; node_moniker ; sdk_version ; tm_version |
cendermint_labels_addr |
Counter | - | The following labels are currently avaialble: account_address ;cons_address_hex ; operator_address |
cendermint_labels_upgrade |
Counter | - | The following labels are currently avaialble: upgrade_name , upgrade_time , upgrade_height , upgrade_info |
cendermint_tx_tps |
Gauge | - | Transactions processed per second per block |
cendermint_tx_gas_wanted_total |
Gauge | - | Total gas wanted in a block |
cendermint_tx_gas_used_total |
Gauge | - | Total gas used in a block |
cendermint_tx_events_total |
Gauge | - | Total tx events in a block |
cendermint_tx_delegate_total |
Gauge | - | Total delegate events in a block |
cendermint_tx_message_total |
Gauge | - | Total message events in a block |
cendermint_tx_transfer_total |
Gauge | - | Total transfer events in a block |
cendermint_tx_unbond_total |
Gauge | - | Total unbond events in a block |
cendermint_tx_withdraw_rewards_total |
Gauge | - | Total withdraw rewards events in a block |
cendermint_tx_create_validator_total |
Gauge | - | Total create validator events in a block |
cendermint_tx_redelegate_total |
Gauge | - | Total redelegate events in a block |
cendermint_tx_proposal_vote_total |
Gauge | - | Total vote events in a block |
cendermint_tx_ibc_fungible_token_packet_total |
Gauge | - | Total fungile token packet events in a block |
cendermint_tx_ibc_transfer_total |
Gauge | - | Total ibc transfer events in a block |
cendermint_tx_ibc_update_client_total |
Gauge | - | Total update client events in a block |
cendermint_tx_ibc_ack_packet_total |
Gauge | - | Total acknowledge packet events in a block |
cendermint_tx_ibc_send_packet_total |
Gauge | - | Total send packet events in a block |
cendermint_tx_ibc_recv_packet_total |
Gauge | - | Total receive packet events in a block |
cendermint_tx_ibc_timeout_total |
Gauge | - | Total timeout events in a block |
cendermint_tx_ibc__timeout_packet_total |
Gauge | - | Total timeout packet events in a block |
cendermint_tx_ibc_denom_trace_total |
Gauge | - | Total denomination trace events in a block |
cendermint_tx_swap_swap_within_batch_total |
Gauge | - | Total swap within batch events in a block |
cendermint_tx_swap_withdraw_within_batch_total |
Gauge | - | Total withdraw within batch events in a block |
cendermint_tx_swap_deposit_within_batch_total |
Gauge | - | Total deposit within batch events in a block |
cendermint_tx_others_total |
Gauge | - | Total number of events yet to be supported by Cendermint in a block |