This project, TGDC-BOT-DOCKER, provides a Docker setup for the nycu-sdc/tgdc-bot and is adaptable for most Python applications. The Docker environment is configured to run Python services from a specified directory and streamline deployment processes for developers.
To set up your Python application with this Docker environment:
- Set up your application directory: Clone your repository into an app directory, which will serve as the root of your Python service inside the Docker container.
git clone <your_python_application_repo_with_requirements.txt> app
- Build and Start the Container: Run the following command to build the Docker image and start the container in detached mode.
docker compose up --build -d
- Ensure your application has a requirements.txt file in the root of the app directory to install the necessary dependencies during the Docker build process.
- This setup can be easily adapted to other Python applications by following the same directory structure.
The expected structure of the directory should look like this:
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
└── app
├── requirements.txt
├── (your python application entry point)
└── <other_files...>
- Start:
docker compose up -d
- Rebuild and Start:
docker compose up --build -d
- Stop:
docker compose down
This configuration provides a simple way to set up and manage Python applications in a Docker environment, with minimal effort required for installation and deployment.