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Audit Service

Apache License Build Status

The audit service is a DATAWAVE microservice that provides query audit capabilities.

Audit Context


User API

Method Operation Description Path Param Request Body
POST /audit Sends an audit request N/A [AuditRequest]

Replay Context


Replay API

Method Operation Description Path Param Request Body
POST /create Creates an audit replay request N/A [ReplayRequest]
POST /createAndStart Creates an audit replay request, and starts it N/A [ReplayRequest]
PUT /{id}/start Starts an audit replay [ReplayId] N/A
GET /{id}/status Gets the status of an audit replay [ReplayId] N/A
PUT /{id}/update Updates an audit replay [ReplayId] [SendRate]
PUT /{id}/stop Stops an audit replay [ReplayId] N/A
PUT /{id}/resume Resumes an audit replay [ReplayId] N/A
DELETE /{id}/delete Deletes an audit replay [ReplayId] N/A
PUT /startAll Starts all audit replays N/A N/A
GET /statusAll Gets the status for all audit replays N/A N/A
PUT /updateAll Updates all audit replays N/A [SendRate]
PUT /stopAll Stops all audit replays N/A N/A
PUT /resumeAll Resumes all audit replays N/A N/A
DELETE /deleteAll Deletes all audit replays N/A N/A

Getting Started

  1. First, refer to services/README for launching the config and authorization services.

    • The authorization service should be launched with the mock profile to leverage test PKI materials and associated user configuration (see authorization-mock.yml).
  2. Launch this service as follows, with the remoteauth profile to enable client cert authentication...

    java -jar service/target/audit-service*-exec.jar,remoteauth,mock
  3. Ensure that the PKI Dir is checked out locally somewhere, and set in the environment variable PKI_DIR.

  4. Submit an audit request using curl.

    curl -q -k --cacert $PKI_DIR/ca.pem -E $PKI_DIR/user.pem \
    --data-urlencode "auditUserDN=testUser" \
    --data-urlencode "auditType=LOCALONLY" \
    --data-urlencode "query=no query--testing the audit service" \
    --data-urlencode "queryDate=1514764800000" \
    --data-urlencode "auditColumnVisibility=USER" \
    --data-urlencode "logicClass=EventQuery" \
    --data-urlencode "auths=TEST" \

    See sample_configuration/audit-dev.yml and configure as desired