Releases: NationalSecurityAgency/qgis-latlontools-plugin
Lat Lon Tools 3.6.20
This includes pull request #92 which adds support for Panoramax maps.
Lat Lon Tools 3.6.19
This release adds an algorithm to create new point, line, and/or polygon layers from a vector layer's attribute that contains WKT coordinate representations. It supports point, line, and polygon WKT formats.
Lat Lon Tools 3.6.18
Add license to output plugin.
Lat Lon Tools 3.6.17
This adds a convenience algorithm that converts a layer's geometry (point, line, polygon) to WKT, EWKT, or JSON and adds it as a new attribute.
Lat Lon Tools 3.6.16
This is simply a repackaging due to one of the translation files not getting updated properly in the last version
Lat Lon Tools 3.6.15
This fixes a bug that occasionally causes crashes after the conversion dialog is launched.
Lat Lon Tools 3.6.14
Updated "Zoom To" tool to make options easily available.
Lat Lon Tools 3.6.12
Includes pull request for Chinese translation.
Lat Lon Tools 3.6.11
Bug fix when reporting errors in
Lat Lon Tools 3.6.10
This is a fix that allows the command line qgis_processing to function properly.