FusionAuth loves containers, found an issue? Please open a bug or submit a PR.
- @ssirag Thank you for the feedback and bug reports.
- @minyangu Thank you for PR #3 to enhance our docker-compose example.
- János Veres Thank you for building out an example Kubernetes configuration via PR #6, this will be very valuable to the FusionAuth community.
- @trollr and the Ninjaneers team for the helm configuration and all of their contribution.
- @vladyslav2 for PR #15 to make the Docker Compose example work better when invoked via
. - The FusionAuth team - couldn't have done it without you!
Review our Docker Install Guide for additional assistance.
curl -o docker-compose.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-containers/master/docker/fusionauth/docker-compose.yml
curl -o .env https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-containers/master/docker/fusionauth/.env
docker-compose up
Docker images are available on Docker Hub
FusionAuth App Only
docker pull fusionauth/fusionauth-app
FusionAuth Search Only
docker pull fusionauth/fusionauth-search
kubectl apply --recursive -f kubernetes
kubectl apply --recursive -f kubernetes/volume-claims
kubectl apply --recursive -f kubernetes/deployments
kubectl apply --recursive -f kubernetes/services
See README for more informations.