Fairy Ferryman
New in this release:
- multiple updates to the performance of network operations
- massively decreased allocations during network nodes discovery and handshakes
Supported networks:
- mainnet
- ropsten (--config ropsten)
- goerli (--config goerli)
- rinkeby (--config rinkeby)
Known issues:
- on Linux systems Nethermind is leaking socket descriptors and needs to be run with increased file descriptors limit until the fix is ready
docker pull nethermind/nethermind.runner
To enable JSON RPC you will need to change appropriate config file in configs folder (change JsonRpcEnabled to true and choose http host and port) or set --InitConfig.JsonRpcEnabled true when launching the app
- download Windows package
- unzip
- open the folder
- Nethermind.Runner.exe
Linux (Ubuntu 16.04 18.04 - reach out on gitter for other distributions)
- check if your CPU supports AVX2 -> grep avx /proc/cpuinfo (if not then reach out to us - we may suggest solutions)
- sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libsnappy-dev libc6-dev libc6 unzip
- curl https://nethdev.blob.core.windows.net/builds/nethermind-linux-amd64-0.9.6-167dba6.zip --output nethermind.zip
- unzip nethermind.zip -d nethermind
- cd nethermind
- chmod +x Nethermind.Runner
- mkdir native && mkdir native/amd64 && cp librocksdb-5.15.10.so native/amd64
- ./Nethermind.Runner
MacOS (10.12+)
- brew install gmp
- brew install snappy
- download MacOS package
- unzip
- cd into the folder
- chmod +x Nethermind.Runner
- ./Nethermind.Runner